Chapter Fourteen - I've got a Plan

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I've had long enough to stew over my choices, over Dean's choices; so what the hell are we supposed to do? What the hell am I even? Zach was trying to awaken something within me, but I have no idea what that even means, am I some kind of back up attack dog in case Michael gets killed in the fight against Lucifer? Just then my Dean is shoved through the open door followed by Future Dean, "what the hell was that"" He barks at him, "what the hell was that? You just shot a guy in cold blood!"

"Hot zone and we got ambushed," he grunts, "by Croats on the way out. Plus you let my daughter see me kill someone, what kind of parent does that!?"

"Dean, you let a little girl see someone get shot?" I ask in a whisper.

"I didn't mean for it to happen," he mutters, "I saw what I saw and couldn't hide her fast enough."

"What's her name?" I ask Future Dean. He looks away from me, "it's probably best you don't know all the details just yet."

"Oh I know some details; while you two were out playing army men Zach paid me a visit." Both men turn to look at me. "he was trying to wake me up, what does he mean by that?" I look at Future Dean who won't look at me now, so I march up to him taking his chin in my hand, "what the hell does that mean?"

"'re supposed to be Michael's attack dog," he explains in a hushed tone, "but when he found out you were pregnant, he let you give birth then took you away."

"What the hell does an Archangel need an attack dog for?" I ask, "plus I'm human always have been."

"We know that Michael knew that, but with how strong your love and devotion is/was for me he would be able to use you as he pleased once he was to take me as his vessel then and only then would you lose your Free Will. But I wouldn't let my wife take a fall like that not ever," my Dean looks at me then back at his future self, "what happens if Michael takes someone else? Someone else of our blood line?"

"I believe well I thought it wouldn't matter then, but you never came back to me, to her," he gestures over his shoulder where his daughter is hopefully somewhere safe, "please believe me I meant no harm in keeping that from you." Future Dean goes over to his desk pouring a few glasses of whiskey.

"I believe you," I say and he looks up, "I can read you like an open book, always have so I can tell you're not lying now." Except I can see the hint of something else in his eyes, but I don't bring it up he'll probably say something if he gets a chance to be alone with me later.

"It's been a really wacky weekend," Dean mutters.

"Tell me about it," Future Dean agrees handing out the glasses.

"What was the mission about, anyway?" I ask curious now.

He takes his drink in one motion, then pulls out a familiar weapon that I've only read about and seen pictures of.

"Where was it?" Dean asks.

"Everywhere," Future Dean answers, "they've been moving it around. Took five years, but I finally got it, and tonight, tonight I'm gonna kill the devil."

Later on, Future Dean has gathered some of the other people who are going on this suicide mission with us, that's the only way I look at this someone or all of them aren't going to make it back alive. The small groups eyes widen when they see me but they're fearless leader explains as much as he can about me, he even goes as far as telling them to keep my future state to themselves so that it doesn't spook me for this mission.

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