Chapter Eighteen - The curious case of Dean Winchester

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A week has passed while I wait for my appointment day to come up, Jody shows up early that day telling dad she needs my help with something at her house since I can be quite handy and tells me to call him if any help is needed. We take Jody's truck since she's off duty and we head into town towards the local doctor's office, once in the office she holds my hand squeezing it every now and then when she starts to notice me getting anxious.

"Have you decided how to tell your fiancé?" she asks and I shake my head, "all I know is I want it to be special."

"Ms. Singer?" a nurse calls out and I get up following her to a vacant room with Jody on my heels, "I'll just take your vitals and the doctor will be in to see you." About ten minutes later the doctor arrives smiling at me, "now Ms. Singer I'm gonna need you to pee in this for me," she hands a sample cup over, "the bathroom is two doors down on your right."

I do as she says leaving the cup in the metal cabinet and head back to the room where Jody sits waiting for me, I sit on the medical table and wait for the doctor to return.

"You have an amazing support system," Jody says to me, "you know that?"

"Jody, I can't thank you enough for coming with me," I tell her softly, "I'm terrified with what I've witnessed and the life I have what if I'm not the mother for this baby I'm supposed to be?"

"Parenting is different for everyone," she says, "I'll be here, your dad and the others, you guys know we'll be here for the ride."

The doctor comes back and takes a seat on the small, wheeled chair and slides over to me, "Congratulations Ms. Singer," she smiles at me, "I'm assuming you knew about your pregnancy?"

"I had an inkling and I did take a test," I admit, "but I had to be sure." She does her usual speech about treatments, vitamins and other things then she says, "is there a father involved?"

"My fiancé," I tell her, "but I haven't decided how to tell him yet."

"Well good," she smiles again, "the more of a support system you have the better you'll be now let's take a look at that baby, shall we?"

On our ride back to my dad's I can't keep my eyes off the ultrasound picture the doctor printed, I had her print a couple more one to give to Jody the other to Ellen and my dad; Jody is beaming as well after seeing the little bean squirm around. It doesn't feel real that I'm carrying something so small and innocent but soon enough I'll be too big to deny that I'm not pregnant; when we pull up to the house dad's van is gone and I raise an eyebrow when Jody looks at me, but I just shrug and get out maybe the boys or another hunter needed some kind of help.

"Thanks Jody," I say before closing the truck door, "having someone there made it much easier."

"Just remember to call if you need anything," she says and smiles, "and congratulations."

I close the door and she takes off back down the driveway past all the old cars, once she's out of view I head inside tucking the photo in my jacket pocket along with the pregnancy test. Once inside I pull my cell out and call Dean, it rings a few times but Sam answers instead of his brother.

"Hey Lennie," he greets.

"Hey Sammy, where's Dean?" There's silence followed by groaning in the background, "he's uh a little tied up at the moment," I purse my lips, "I'm coming out there," I tell him, "give me the motel address and I'll be there."

"Lennie," he says, "it's not necessary, your dad's here we've got it covered."

"You won't tell me what's going on so I'm coming, now give me the damn motel address and room number."

He doesn't argue with the tone of my voice so I grab the truck keys and head outside, the world spins a little as I pull myself into the driver's seat a little faster than I should have. I start the truck and begin the long trek out to the motel even if it's only a few hours away; now that I'm pregnant things are going to change in ways that I'm not going to expect.

"Your daddy and uncle always seem to be in some kind of trouble," I touch my belly talking to the little bean, "but they'll have us to keep them in line at least try to."

I arrive outside the motel later in the evening the sun long gone from the sky, I park the truck and lock it up and head inside, walking down the halls I find the room Sam said they'd be staying at once there I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it. Sam appears opening the door a crack, "Hey," he smiles at me, but it's forced, "before you come in there's something you should know."

"Can it, Winchester," I growl pushing the door wider along with moving him out of the way and find my dad still in his chair and an older gentleman standing next to him, "what the hell?" I splutter drawing the older man's attention and his eyes widen.

"Lennie, what are you doing here?"

"I came because Sam wouldn't put you on the phone or tell me where you were," I snap, "what the hell did you do?!?"

"I tried to save Bobby," he states his voice is deeper and gravelly but still recognizable, "he played years away," I look at my father who doesn't look any different, "so I gave the years to him that he lost before I started playing the card game and fixed him but I lost and..." his voice trails off as he grabs at his chest, my eyes widen in fear, "I'm having a heart attack," he breathes.

"No you're not you idjit," dad says, "it's acid reflux. Guys your age can't digest certain foods. You're gonna need to put down that cheeseburger."

He looks sadly at the food but when my eyes see the wet meat hanging out the bun, I run to the bathroom closing the door behind me and spew into the toilet; I cough and wipe at my face with the back of my hand trying to calm my belly down.

"Lennie," Sam knocks on the door, "you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," I answer back and open the bathroom door.

Bobby and Dean both look at me as I join them at the table again.

"It's got to be the chips," my dad says to Dean.

"I slid 'em across the table," Dean tells us, "Patrick did his little witchy number, and you prettied up in a hurry."

"What are you all thinking?" I ask, "some kind of magic in the chips or something?"

'Definitely," Dad agrees.

I sit at the table across from my aged fiancé; he looks me up and down a grin creeping over his wrinkled features. "You know you don't age too bad Winchester," I smile at him, "at least I know what I have to look forward to in the future if we end up making it to old age." Sam grabs his laptop from his bag, "do you remember what he chanted?"

"Yep," Dad says, "every word."

"Alright, then let's find out where he stashes his chips."

"And steal me fifty," Dean adds, "Benjamin Button me back to burger shape, what do you think babe?" I roll my eyes, "you're adorable, Dean."

"And dangerous," he quips.

I laugh as we get ready to leave the room; the ultrasound picture weighing heavily in my coat pocket.



Sam, Dean and myself turn around eyes wide, "aren't you the chick from the bar?" Dean asks surprised.

"please don't do this....I'm pregnant."

"I believe that he-witch gave you the clap."

"What about your child?"

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