Chapter Fifty - Six - Together Again

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When the bright light fades my feet are planted on firm damp Earth, the day is dark a streetlamp on just a few feet ahead of me, so I take in a deep breathe trying to see past the illusion Lucifer has tossed at me, but at that moment I sense someone standing next to me however when I turn my head there's no one except for man sized footprints in the dewy grass. My eyes are finally adjusting to the dark, where the hell am I? Sighing loudly, I walk down the small sidewalk and almost bump into the Impala parked on the street, my eyes widen surprised to see the beautiful machine, I look up and down the street for any sign of my husband then I look inside the vehicle. The piece that holds Cassie's car seat is there but the seat itself is missing, a duffle sits on the passenger seat, he's here somewhere but what drew him to this place?

Among the houses across the street only one has lights on in the living area, I watch a dark-haired woman stand up followed thoughts stop abruptly, what the hell is he doing with another woman? I wasn't gone that long, was I? I know Hell moves a lot faster than up here but that still doesn't explain why he's there with my daughter; my heart hurts, was she always in the wing waiting for him to become available? With pain in my chest and anger in my head I march across the street not caring about my tattered and blood-stained clothes or the metal collar around my neck not like the Devil can control me from the cage, I beat on the hollowed door with a fist and wait for the bitch to answer it.

"Coming!" She shouts.

It takes about two minutes for her to cross the house to the door, when it's swiftly pulled open her eyes widen in surprise and fear.

"Oh my God," she gasps, "are you okay? Do you need help?"

"Look, I don't care who you are, is Dean Winchester here?" She raises an eyebrow. "Don't even start to get snarky with me," I snap, "he's here, his Impala is across the street."

"Lisa?" Dean's voice is hesitant, "who is it?"

His footsteps come across the house next, it takes about a minute as the woman, Lisa, and I stare each other down. When he does appear with Cassie in his arms however, he loses all train of thought, his mouth hangs open while my daughter tries to reach for me beating on her dad's shoulder with a tiny fist.

"Lennie?" he asks, "is that really you?"

I raise my chin so he can see the Enochian collar and nod; he goes to hand my daughter off to Lisa, but I snatch her away clutching the girl to my chest whispering sweet words to her.

"Lisa," Dean says, "would you excuse us for a moment."

She nods leaving the doorway, Dean comes out closing it behind him; he leads us across the porch to a small swing. We sit together Cassie sitting on my lap, no words are said for a while as she giggles and talks to me in her baby talk; I've missed her so much.

"Who is she?" I finally ask.

"A friend," he tells me and I'm about ready to pounce on that one word when he says, "I saved her son and a bunch of kids a while back from a monster; I knew her before that, but it was just a fling."

"So what are you doing here?" He hesitates, "I was trying to get my apple pie life like I promised Sam," he scratches the back of his neck, "but I needed help with Cassie. Someone's help who wasn't a part of the life, you understand that don't you?" I nod. "Lennie, I watched you fall into that Pit with the others," he whispers, "what happened? Did you escape somehow, where's Sam?"

"Dean...that...that cage was torture on its own," my lips tremble, "but having to deal with Lucifer in those confined quarters; taking the beatings I did; right now, I want to scrub my skin so hard that it bleeds to forget about it all." He touches my arm gently making me jump and I apologize, "I didn't have to, but I did everything I could...and I mean keep Sammy safe down there I don't know if he got pulled out by whatever got me out I can't tell you for sure, I'm sorry."

He doesn't say anything else just pulls me sideways against his chest, tears spill over onto his shirt soaking the fabric.

"The worst part is over," he whispers.

"If Sam's not out," I breathe, "then it's not, I need to get him out." I feel Dean shift under me, "we promised him that we wouldn't go poking at the cage," his voice is sad, "let's honor that, okay?" I nod with a heavy heart, "your dad's back." He tells me, "along with Castiel, someone brought him back fully powered up."

"Can we go see him?" I ask.

"Of course," he kisses the top of my head, "this doesn't feel real."

"I'll drink a beer to that," I tell him, "how long was I gone?"

"About 24 hours or so."

We sit on the swing for a while until Cassie starts to fuss; she's either getting tired or hungry being almost two months old must really wear a baby out.

"What are we going to do about this damn collar?" I ask, there are bruises forming where I almost choked to death and my skin hurts, "it's Enochian, do you think maybe Cass would give us a favor?"

"He disappeared after he fixed my face and brought your dad back," he tells me, "I don't know if he'll even answer or not."

Our daughter starts to squirm even more her fists moving through the air.

"Here," he reaches out which I relinquish her into his waiting arms, "why don't you try to get a hold of him while I get her diaper bag and tell Lisa goodbye."

"Sure, but no funny business," I point a finger, "you're a married man Winchester."

He leans down and kisses me sweetly on the mouth, "and I won't ever forget it with a wife like you."

I watch them head back into the house; now that he's gone, I shiver in the late-night air. I get up off the swing too and head off the porch out of hearing distance, maybe he'll respond to me after all he is supposed to be Cassie's Guardian Angel now.

"Cass," I start in a low voice, "Castiel, somehow, I know it was you that pulled me from the cage, your secret is safe I promise. I have a favor to ask of you friend, this damn collar," I touch it with a shaking hand, "it's caused me so much pain, it's an awful reminder and I worry that Lucifer will be able to use me from the cage. So, if you can do anything, please, please do this one thing for me."

The breeze blows the grass around my feet, shaking the leaves in the tree just down the sidewalk but he doesn't show however a piece of random paper blows right onto my ankle and sticks there, I go to shake it off but see wording in Enochian and hurriedly clutch it in my fingers before it can blow away. From what I can tell it roughly translates to, 'I release you Warrior, no more blood shall be shed,' once I say the words stumbling a little the collar itself turns into shiny metal dust and blows away in the evening wind. I sigh in complete and utter relief, reaching a hand up I touch my throat massaging the skin gently, it hurts something fierce and throbs under my fingers but now I have a chance for it to heal.

"Thank you," I whisper to the blowing wind, "I owe you one."

Just then the front door opens bathing the front lawn where I stand in a beam of light, Dean's got the diaper bag over one shoulder and Cassie in his other arm in her seat a bottle clutched in her grasp; that kid is gonna eat us out of a house if her appetite gets like her dads. He sees that the collar is no longer in its place like it was when he went inside which makes him smile, however he falters seeing the bruising and dried blood on my pale skin. We walk together heading to the car while our daughter happily drinks formula; he buckles her seat in setting the bag beside it, then he moves his bag from the front moving it to the trunk so I can sit next to him. Lisa watches us from the open doorway arms crossed while leaning against her doorframe as Dean pulls out into the empty street, his hand takes mine then he kisses my knuckles.

"Let's go see your dad," he says, "he'll be happy to see you."



"She's been stuck on mom forever," he whines,"when will she say dad or dada?"

She wiggles a fist full of bananas at him before putting it into her mouth.

All because I miss the thrill of hunting? 

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