Chapter 195 - Magnus and his Zoo

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I do as Crowley asks and go in search of what scotch we do have while the other two start hunting through Men of Letters files; once I find something that might be suitable enough for him, I grab a glass and carry both out of the kitchen and back to the dungeon. Dean smiles at me which I return but not as much as my eyes move to Crowley who is eyeing the bottle. Pouring the liquid into the glass I set it down on the table before him which he snaps up greedily and drinks grimacing as he does, "it's not very good scotch, is it?"

"It's the best we got," I state as Sam huffs in annoyance, "Crowley we've gone through the records of the entire membership in 1958; every single name matches the men who were killed."

Dean had scrounged up some magazines from his collection as well, which the demon is leafing through, the one he has in hand is 'Busty Asian Beauties,' I roll my eyes at his choice of reading material.

"That would be the active membership, correct?" he asks without looking up and Sam stares at him making the man sigh, "were you two dropped on your heads a great deal? Like I told you, rumor has it that a rogue member was tossed out on his arse." I look at the two who are still arms deep in papers and folders, "does that make him 'active?' Seriously boys, how did you ever function without me?" he looks to me then, "or her for that matter? Well hello Miss Ichigatsu." His eyes go back to the magazine while I go over and start shuffling things moving more boxes aside nearest the swinging wall then pull one out and heaving it into the light on the front it says 'Infamati et obliterate.'

"What does this mean?" I ask knowing Crowley can read from this distance and he looks up eyeing the text, "dishonored and forgotten," he murmurs and I look to the guys, "winner winner," I smile as Dean comes to take the box from me putting it onto another table across the room so we can read the information. Several folders and papers later Dean pulls one out and slides it across the table for both Sam and I to read.

"This guy was something," he states tapping it and Sam adds, "tough name."

"Cuthbert S-Sinclair," I read, "yeah I would have just went with 'Magnus,' ah well mouthful or not he seems to be a big fella."

"Looks like he designed most of the warding that keeps the bunker safe," Sam states and Dean reads something else, "Named 'Master of spells' too, right after he was initiated."

We read more about Cuthbert and how he was almost too much for the Men of Letters; how irresponsible he had been with magic and was denied time after time for projects.

"So difficult – so brilliant," Crowley sighs, "ahead of your time, despised for it, trust me I know."

We ignore him as Dean reads, "formal separation from Men of Letters – April 1956."

"So he wasn't part of the massacre," I breathe, "so he's still alive?"

"I never knew his name," Crowley admits, "but I heard someone was out. Did my damndest to find him, thought he might be my way inside this joint."

"So where'd you look?" Sam asks him and the man grins.

Not surprisingly he talked us into letting him out for a trip to show us where his demons had tracked the ex-Men of Letters guy; we've trundled through a few miles of woods in the car and end up near a clearing which makes my nerves stand on end feeling as if we're going to be caught in a trap.

"So this is where your demons tracked him to?" Dean asks and he nods, "exact spot. My boys never could find him, I'm sensing nothing, so if he's here, he's warded up to the gills."

If I only had my warrior powers back, I probably could sense him and the wards hiding him from us, but sadly when I died or did the trials everything got all jacked up so I'm a normal human hunter now.

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