Chapter One Hundred and Four - Troubled Waters

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I'm heavily sedated, but I can hear and smell things but not react out to them; my hand has been held in another for a long while which I'm assuming it's Dean or dad if he told him what happened God love him if he did. I do fall asleep again due to the sedation but don't fight it because I need the rest even if it's due to the medications. After a while though I start to really feel better, not get up and go better but better enough to open my eyes and stare across the room my vision blurry from being closed for so long. A beeping sound emits from beside me alerting someone somewhere that I'm awake, there's no breathing tube shoved down my throat which is a plus but I'm still sore, a nurse arrives checking me over including unraveling my foot from the blanket which is covered in gauze, and I tilt my head not really remembering what happened.

"How are you feeling dear?" the nurse asks and I let out a soft grunt not really responding, "you've had quite the ordeal," her voice is soft almost mechanical, "I'll alert your husband that you're awake."

I turn my head and watch her go but the action makes me reach for my throat, the collar is gone however a gauze wrap is around it probably over the wounds the burning metal inflicted and I sigh in agitation. Thundering footsteps come down the hall and Dean appears a Styrofoam cup in hand, his eyes are tired even more so than before; did he even sleep while I was out? Setting the cup on my hospital tray beside the bed he comes over to sit on my right side taking my hand in his avoiding the tubes that are connected to me; he leans over kissing my forehead and I can feel the relief behind the gesture.

"How long have I been out?" I ask him.

"About a day and a half," he says, "how are you feeling?"

"Exhausted more or less," I tell him, "but I know I'll feel worse when the drugs wear off."

His smile doesn't reach his eyes but he strokes my cheek with his other hand, "your uh stab wound is pretty much healed, they had to sew the top of your foot back together and the collar well after Cass did his thing they were able to remove it since the Enochian was no longer holding it together."

"So Cass was here, huh?" I ask.

"He was yeah, after I told him what Crowley did," he says, "said he had no idea that Crowley had planned on taking you."

"Do you believe him?" he shakes his head, "I don't know, I want to because he's done so much for us but what happened to you crosses the line."

"Yeah, having someone put a collar on you several times within a few months is a deal breaker."

We're silent then, I know he wants to talk about Cassie, wants to ask how I'm feeling mentally and emotionally but I don't think I have the strength for that right now; I miss her so much I really do but pushing it away feels better than having to deal with it which I know isn't the healthiest of things to do. We spend the next few hours together as intertwined as we can be while I'm in the hospital bed, nurses come by later to get me up and out of bed forcing me to use crutches to walk and put some weight on my foot which to their surprise I do pushing the pain to the back of my mind. I'm practically sealed up by the following day with Dean sleeping in the chair in the corner I rise from the bed putting on some clothes he had brought in after he was sure I was stable enough to be left alone as I'm slipping my one shoe on, he wakes blinking slowly at me.

"Hey sleepyhead," I mutter, "have a nice nap?"

"Lennie, what are you doing up?"

"I want to go home, Dean," I say softly, "I need to go home, there's a lot I have to deal with it's not just going to go away."

"If you're sure," he gets up from the chair stretching, "I'll call Sam, have him pick us up. Bobby has checked in over the phone, but I figured you weren't ready for that kind of drama yet."

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