Chapter 182 - I'm done

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There's a lot of pain as I come around, my head is throbbing and there's a coldness at my feet, my vision is blurry as someone touches my head repeatedly seeming to be pulling something out of it causing me more pain. It's not as intense as the original pain was as I was beginning to come around, only slightly annoying, like someone giving me a quick shot.

"Mel?" a familiar voice inquires," Mel you okay?"

More pain followed by my vision starting to clear and the first person I see is Castiel hovering over me.

"Melanie, are you with us? Are you okay?" he asks and I grunt in response still disoriented.

Something draws the angel's attention elsewhere as I feel my hands and feet being released from bonds that I didn't even know I was in until now.

"Abaddon," Cass tells us, and I feel panic begin to fill my chest, "Go," Crowley tells us, "the back door I'll handle this."

"Oh, cause you're such a good guy?" Dean asks.

"Right now I'm the goodest guy you got," he snaps back.

Both my arms are grabbed and I'm being carried away as Dean says to the demon, "this doesn't make us square, if I see you again –" Crowley finishes his sentence, "I'm dead. Yes, I know, I love you too."

My feet don't touch the ground not even when I'm shoved into the Impala and am being whisked away; I still have a throbbing headache and feel something caked on my skin and touch it to find it covered with dried and wet blood. Someone hands me one of my shoes which I shove back on my foot but not before Castiel puts my anti-possession symbol back in place; no one says a word as Dean drives, my anger is growing and growing as we go along and I'm afraid to open my mouth right now because if I do, I could start throwing punches however I really don't want to be in a vehicular accident right now. After an hour of driving we're stopped near a dock, I've pretty much righted myself and Cass is now healing the small holes in my head as I wince at the pull of flesh knitting back together, once he's finished, I thank and assure him that I do feel better.

"It'll take time to fully heal you," he explains in a soft voice, "we'll have to do it in stages."

I nod to Cass as both Sam and Dean approach; the angel takes a few steps back to not get in the middle.

"Let me hear it," Dean mutters to me and I grind my teeth, "what do you want me to say? That I'm pissed," my eyes bore into his and Sam's, "I am, I'm pissed. You lied to me, AGAIN."

"I didn't have a choice," Dean argues.

"I was ready, Dean," I growl, "I was ready to die, to be with dad and see Cassie again!" I look to Sam, "how could you let him do this? You had a say in it, I'm sure."

"I – I -I –" he stutters but can't get a word out, so I attack verbally once more, "and now Kevin..."

"No Mel," Dean argues, "that's on me, on us, not you. I'll burn for that, I will but I'll find Gadreel and I will end that son of a bitch."

"Kevin was not your fault Mel," Sam says, "I swear, we were only doing what was best for you."

"Best for me! Are you joking?!?" I shout, "He's dead, I'm... I'm... I don't even know right now."

The rain is coming down harder now soaking our clothes and making our hair stick to our scalps.

"Don't do this," Dean pleads, "you and Sam know that I'm poison, I'm not good for anyone I did this to you, to all of us! I tell myself that I help people more than I hurt them, that I'm doing it all for the right reason. I couldn't live without you, I wasn't ready!"

"But I was ready to go," I snap and then I change tactic, if he wants to play this game, then I'll let him, "you know what if you feel that way, then go, you and Sam can just go. I'm done, I'm out." I start to walk away, "but don't go thinking that's the problem, cause it's not."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dean asks and I shrug, "figure it out on your own."



"Call Sam at least," she begs, "he's worried."

"I'm sorry," I mutter, "that's not what I wanted to happen."

"Something angelic."

"Are you sure?"

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