Chapter 100 - Eve's play thing

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We park our little group at a diner down the street, Cassie sits in a highchair still small enough to fit, Cass, Sam and dad sit across from Dean and I; Cassie has fries and a burger sliced into small pieces, Sam's got a salad and no surprise Dean has a burger of his own too. Dad, myself and Cass aren't that hungry although I'm nursing a still warm mug of coffee not wanting to take an eye off my kid.

"I finally got the police database, no thanks to this," dad gestures to the iPad, "I asked for a computer."

"It is," Sam counters and dad scoffs, "no, a computer has buttons."

The waitress comes back to check on us after checking on her other customers; Cassie says hi to her with food clutched in one hand making the young girl smile.

"Can I get you anything else?" she asks politely.

"No thanks we're good," I smile at her and she smiles back before sauntering away.

"So anything?" Sam asks.

"Oh, nickel and dime stuff, nothing weird," dad responds not taking his eyes off the screen, "basically dead ends. You think Vampira was lying?"

"I'll search the town," Castiel states, "give me a moment." He sits still staring blankly at Dean and me, but doesn't move, "Cass we can still see you," I state after another awkward moment and he focuses his eyes on me, "yeah I'm still here."

"Okay well you don't have to wait on us you –" he strains his eyes and I burst out laughing as Dean says, "well now it looks like you're pooping."

"Something's wrong," the Angel sighs.

"What, are you stuck?" Dean asks and Castiel nods, "I'm blocked, I'm powerless."

"You're joking?"

"Something in this town, is uh, it's affecting me, I assume it's Eve."

I flex my fingers over my mug without being noticed and the coffee gets hotter again, hmm somehow I have the power but he doesn't however I don't make a show or bring it up.

"So what mom's making you limp?" he asks.

"Figuratively, yes."

Dean groans, "how?" this question seems to bother Cass, "I don't know, but she is."

"Well that's great," Dean sits back against the leather of the booth, "because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trench coat."

The Angel doesn't look at any of us just at his lap where I'm assuming his hands are clasped, I can see that he's hurt and I turn to Dean, "I think you hurt his feelings."

Before he can respond dad lifts his head to look at us, "I got something here, maybe. Had to go federal to get it, call went out from the local office to the CDC last night."

While they discuss what it could be my eyes wander to the waitress that had asked us if we needed anything else, she seems off and yet her eyes always seem to stray from her work to look at us, no not us but me her features seem vaguely familiar like I've seen her before in a dream or something. My wedding band glints from the light in the window and yet that's not what she's looking at and I can't seem to mistake the small smile she gives me as she leans across the counter to wipe it off; she seems awfully young with dark brown hair, and I get this weird feeling that I've seen her before. I move the highchair Cassie sits in still munching on fries then get to my feet telling Dean I'm getting the check so we can move this along; approaching the counter I can see how spotless it is while other people eat their food without much thought let alone noticing me.

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