Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Seven - Confrontation and Paranoia

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Dean's had to assist me with practically everything even though I whined and moaned about it all, but in the end I had no choice but to let him because I could hurt myself trying to do things on my own; there hasn't been any hide nor tail of Cass which frustrates all of us it's because of his kind that I'm like this and it's only right that he fix me. I wonder to myself how pissed off Naomi is right now with the both of us being unable to reach either one for anything or to cause more damage; I smile to myself while I drink my coffee at the large map table.

"What are you grinning about?" Dean asks as he sits setting two plates of eggs and bacon down, "oh, just wondering how pissed Naomi is that she lost Cass and I, the thought amuses me."

"I can see how that'd be amusing."

I shrug a little bit trying to itch under my brace, which makes the muscles there twinge a little.

"When does this come off again?" I ask.

"In a few days," he says, "but that doesn't mean you'll be ready for a fight after, you'll still need therapy."

"Unless we find Cass."

Sam comes out of the hallway from his room then, he eyes us both and sits down next to me stealing some eggs from my plate with his fingers, at least they are clean I guess; I go to slap his hand away, but he leans far enough away so when I reach, I groan in pain. Dean's watching our interaction with raised eyebrows but doesn't say anything just digs into his own food; he's been taking care of me more than his brother which is only right since I'm his wife, but Sam's been there most of the time too. Just last week the two of them went out on a local case, a small band of vamps were raising a ruckus at a late-night club where they spent a lot of time and people were going missing; I manned the phones and such while they went out for a few days I promised I'd be good which I was to a point.

I'd started doing target practice when one or both of them went out, especially when Dean went out for a beer or food run; Sam would watch over me to make sure I didn't push myself too far, but we never went at it for too long in case Dean came back for something he forgot or returned sooner than expected. Sam always made sure things were cleaned up and put away where they belonged before his brother could notice which I appreciated, I guess that's why him and I are a little closer now than we were a few months ago. I finish the bacon and slide the eggs with Sam's germs on it towards him to finish, Dean's finished with his food as well he gets up from the chair when I cough a little to clear my throat.

"Hey Dean?"


"Could you uh, help me?" He raises an eyebrow and I sigh, "I need a quick shower, please, obviously I can't do it on my own quite yet."

I get up from the table stretching as best I can before taking his hand in mine, we walk together down the hall towards the Men of Letters bathroom.

"Is there something going on between you and Sam?"

The question catches me off guard and when I don't respond right away, he pulls his hand from mine and we stop just outside the bathroom.

"No, Dean," I say a little hurt, "he's uh, been helping me stay focused is all."

"Focused how?"

Uh...don't get mad," his arms cross his chest, "he's uh been helping me with hunter training so I don't get out of practice."

"You should be resting!" He shouts, "what if you hurt your ribs or mess them up so you have to have more surgery!"

"It's nothing like that! Just target practice and reading lore. I may be stupid sometimes but I ain't dumb."

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