Chapter Thirty - Three - Rough Seas ahead, Friend

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The next morning I get out of bed and change back into my maternity pants but toss on an old t-shirt covering it with one of Dean's flannels he left behind; I look out the window to find the Impala parked amongst the junked cars but not so out of view that Dean can't see the house. I know he's worried about Dad and me with the dead coming back to life, but I don't see anything wrong with things as they are right now; in the blink of an eye though mom is out there next to him which makes him jump. I watch them both walk around to the backside of the house and lose sight of them; however I do come down the stairs and stand within ear shot of their conversation.

"Did you bake all these?" Dean asks

"I don't know what it is," mom admits, "since I got back, I can't stop baking; Melanie helps me sometimes."

"When do you have time for sleep?"

"I don't, must be the excitement."

"Or being dead," Dean says bluntly.

I want to barge down the rest of the steps and into the kitchen, how dare he speak to my mother that way!

"I know you don't trust me."

"Why would you say that?" She sighs, "come on Dean, that's why you're here, isn't it? Keeping an eye on me? I know who you are, just like I know the same thing about Melanie," my blood runs cold, does she remember too? "Just like I know Bobby's not the same mild-mannered scrap dealer I married. You hunt things...I-I'm a thing. I get it."

"So you know that Sam and I would never let anything happen to Bobby," Dean states, "he's like a father to us. And Melanie, she's the love of my life carrying my child."

"I understand, they are lucky to have you looking out for them, Dean. But you're not the only one," she says.

"Is that so?"

There's a heavy silence before my mother speaks again.

"I remember everything," she admits almost too soft for me to hear, "when I died. That demon taking over my body...and the things it made me do. I hurt Melanie; her blood was all over my hands when Bobby found us; he had no choice.... I know that now. But I can see it in his eyes when he looks at me, the guilt. It weighs on him."

"Why don't you tell Melanie?" Dean asks.

"Dean, I don't want to lose her when I just got her back," her voice is sad, "the things I did," she seems to choke on her words, "you've probably seen her back, there's other scars that her hair covers."

My hand touches the back of my head where a large scar is raised from my skull; I remember my head being smashed against the cold walls of the basement; how she whipped me with a knife almost tearing my skin open to the bone.

"I've seen them," Dean admits, "but I never asked her about it, she's so self-conscious in her appearance as it is, I didn't want to scare her away or make her anymore uncomfortable than she already was."

Not caring if they hear me, I race back upstairs and slam the door shut locking it behind me while holding a hand to my mouth; when I'm curled up in my bed, I let out the sobs I held back to get here. She remembers all of it, torturing me, dad killing her and yet she hadn't said a word to either of us; maybe she's better off dead instead of having to pretend like nothing happened between the three of us. After a while my bedroom door handle rattles the door trying to be pulled open, Dean begs me to open it, but doesn't threaten to kick it in just continues to pull on the locked door. With the palm of my hand, I wipe the tears from my eyes and drag myself out of bed, my hand grabs the handle as it shifts again but once he feels pressure from my side, he lets go hoping I'll open it and when I do his eyes are wide, "you heard?"

I nod.

"Melanie, I'm sorry," he says softly, "if I'd have known you were there..." his voice trails off not knowing the right things to say instead I lunge at him burying my face in his chest my arms wrapping around his body.

"Just hold me," I beg through fresh tears, "just give me that."

He doesn't complain as he holds me while my tears soak his shirt or that we've been standing in my doorway for a long time; after a while my feet start to hurt so I try to pull away instead he picks me up carrying me to the bed and tucks me in crawling beside me not breaking contact. My back is to his front as my belly would get in the way if I laid the other way; one arm is under my neck the other draped over my waist holding my belly. He kisses my ear murmuring soft, sweet words until his phone rings, "yeah Sam?" he doesn't let go of me.

The other end buzzes with whatever Sam has to say, I can feel Dean's grip tighten around my waist.

"Just come on back," he mutters, "Bobby's not gonna like this."

He nuzzles the back of my head with his nose trying to keep me calm but I can't help but wonder what Sam said or saw in town; Dean tells me to wait until Sammy gets here to explain. After a while moms footsteps come upstairs and she goes down the hall towards her and dad's room not stopping to bother us, after all she probably realized that I heard her conversation with Dean earlier. Finally Sam shows up just as the sun is setting, mom still hasn't come out of the room, so Dean and I cautiously walk down the steps to find his brother and dad waiting around his desk.

"Mom's upstairs," I tell him, "she's been up there for some time."

"Then we'll keep our voices down," he says, "now Sam what's going on?"

"Who was old lady Jones?" he asks.

"The first to come up," Dad answers immediately.

I look at Sam, he seems on edge and paler than normal.

"First one to go bad," Sam admits.

"She was always a nutty broad," dad tries to make light of the situation, but Dean says, "nutty how? Nutty like the way she ate her husband's stomach? Was that the level of nutty she was in life?"

Just the thought of someone eating someone else sends my stomach over the edge, I move as fast as I can to the kitchen emptying my stomach into the sink except all that comes up is stomach bile and acid that burns my nose. I rinse my mouth out with warm and cold water then straighten to find them staring at me.

"I thought you were past the morning sickness thing?" Dean asks concerned.

"Yeah yeah," I wave a hand, "certain smells and other things can set me off still." I rejoin them as Dean says, "look, Bobby, Melanie, I feel for you. But you have got to acknowledge that you're not exactly seeing this straight!"

"Bobby, whether you admit it or not, these things are turning. We have to stop them...all of them," Sam states.

Dad's hands twitch towards his desk followed by a shotgun emerging out from under it pointing in the guy's direction, "time to go!" Dean and Sam back up arms raised in defense, "if Karen turns, I'll handle it my way." Dean's eyes find mine, I want to be on their side because they may be on to something but I can't just leave dad alone with her if she does turn.

"This is dangerous," Dean pleads.

"I'm not telling you twice," the gun cocks and the guys retreat from the house and to the Impala which rumbles and takes off but from what I can hear they don't go very far.



"Melanie," Dad shouts, "don't let your mother near the windows."

"Everything," she answers, "the demon inside me,hurting Melanie, you killing me. I remember."

"Yeah, we got plenty,' Dad scoffs, "just run back past the zombies; it's in the van, where we left it."

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