Chapter Eleven - I've got news

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Sometime later we fade off into slumber, Dean's arm wrapped around my naked waist back pressed against his front, of course to break our peaceful silence one of our phones ring and when I discover it's not mine I shove Dean who jumps from the bed his manly bits flopping about and I can't help but laugh; sighing he grabs the phone and sits on the edge of the mattress with his back to me.

"Damn it Cass," he grunts.

"Dean it's me," Sam's voice comes out, "Sam?" Dean looks at the alarm, "it's quarter past four."

"This is important," his brother insists.

Maybe whatever he has to say deals with whom or whatever he was talking to in the motel room; he's had a while to sit and stew on it when I left him. Dean gets up again heading towards the fridge in search of a beer, I too get up pulling on sweats and a gray t-shirt, since he has moved away from the bed, I can't hear what Sam has to say.

"So, you're his vessel, huh? Lucifer's wearing you to the prom?"

My eyes grow wide; he was talking to some kind of Lucifer hallucination in the motel? No wonder he didn't want to say anything to me probably scared out of his mind, "just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in, huh Sammy?" I raise an eyebrow at Dean, but he doesn't acknowledge it just takes a long draw from his beer which I march over and take from him; he grunts at me but doesn't say anything.

"So, that's it?" I hear Sam again, "that's your response?"

"What are you looking for?" Dean asks.

I know he's tired, but he doesn't need to act this way towards his brother.

"I don't know," Sam admits, "a little panic? Maybe?"

"I guess I'm a little numb to the earth-shattering revelations at this point."

"What are we gonna do about it?" I ask and Dean's eyes find mine, "what do you want to do about it? My brother is ear marked for Lucifer, I don't think there's no stopping that," at the same time Sam says, "I want back in." Both our eyes turn towards the phone hearing what his brother said but not fully hearing it if that makes any sense.

"Back in?" I ask to break the silence.

"I mean it. I am sick of being a puppet to these sons of bitches," he snaps, "I'm gonna hunt him down."

"Oh," Dean sighs, "so we're back to the revenge, then, are we? 'Cause that worked out so well last time."

"Not revenge," Sam counters, "redemption."

"Sam, do you really think that's a good idea? I mean no offense but what happened with Reggie and that other hunter? You've been off base camp for a while, it would take much more than a few days to grow back the honesty and trust that's been spit on more times than I can count, isn't that right?" I feel Dean looking at me especially about the whole hunter thing, but I know for a fact that I'm right, "I can do this, Lennie. I can I'm gonna prove it to you both."

"Look, Sam," Dean starts with a sigh, "it doesn't matter whatever we do. I mean it turns out that you and me; we're the, uh the fire and oil of the Armageddon. You know, on that basis alone, we should just pick a hemisphere. Say away from each other for good."

I walk away from him and the phone, I can't believe what I'm hearing, he's actually giving up on his brother? I know the kid screwed up but haven't we all? I sit on the foot of the bed one leg tucked underneath me and finish off the beer that Dean opened.

"We're not stronger when we're together, Sam," I can see Dean's back is stiff, "I think we're weaker because whatever we have between, family, whatever it is they are always gonna use it against you. And you know that, yeah, we're better off apart. We got a better chance of dodging Lucifer and Michael and this whole damn thing, if we just go our own ways." I assume Sam starts to argue about Dean's feelings then he goes, "bye Sam." And then he hangs up on his brother.

"Look I know what you're thinking," he says sitting next to me after he threw on some clothes, "but this has to be the right thing to do, at least I'm hoping so."

"And if it's not?" I ask harshly, "what if this is what Lucifer wants all along, to get Sam to say yes to him? Then what?"

"We'll roll with the punches like we always do," he lays back on the bed, "you're not mad at me, are you?"

"Mad at you? No," I shake my head and scoot to lay beside him, "just worried for you and for Sam; you're going to be my husband someday and your brother's my best friend I can't help but get riled up when you guys are like this."

We lay like that for a while but eventually Dean pulls me against his side holding on tight as we both drift off again into a dreamless sleep.



She doesn't respond just continues playing with whatever piece of rubble she's got in her hands, something drips from her chin.

"August 1st," Dean mutters, "2014."

"Yes, yes, onward Christian soldiers, how do you think Melanie ended up in your hotel?"

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