Chapter Eighty - Four - Being a Hunter ain't easy

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I start choking and coughing, something is in my airway making my body try and reject it; someone shouts for a nurse or doctor I can't really tell through the coughing and gasping for air then I realize I have a breathing tube in and try to relax Everything hurts and throbs forcing me into full consciousness I'm alone for about a minute when a small team of nurses come to remove the tube. As one of the nurses pulls the tape and other pieces holding the tube to my face, I can hear another one talking to somebody else in the room, Dean maybe? Sam? Then I feel something trickling through my veins pulling me back into darkness I try to fight it because when I went into it, I ended up here, but I know it's probably painful and terrifying to have a breathing tube removed when awake so I just let it do its thing.

When I'm awake again the sun is shining through the hospital window, Dean sits in a chair across the room sleeping, Sam is pacing at the foot of my bed and when I try to talk all that comes out is a dry raspy sound; Sam turns hearing that small sound and smiles, but the gesture doesn't reach his eyes. He turns tapping Dean's leg who sits up with a jolt then realizes I'm awake, he gets up from the chair so fast he about trips over himself to get to my beside, his hand gently wipes a few stray hairs from my forehead before he says anything.

"Lennie, sweetheart how do you feel?"

" throat..." I whisper, it hurts to even do that and Dean registers the pain, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have you talk," he reaches to the small hospital tray beside the bed, "write until you feel up to talking okay?" he hands me a tablet and I nod. "what happened? You went to get some air, then we got a call you were here."

An explanation for what happened seems too long to write so instead I jot down 'heard a scream found a girl being attacked' then turn it so the guys can read it.

"What was it?" Sam asks.

I close my eyes trying to see the creature in my head, but everything is foggy, 'a big creature, had large, large wings and what felt like talons.'

"Sounds like the same story the girl told us," Sam says to Dean and he nods, "Mel was there anything else?"

I shake my head, but I take the tablet again and write, 'so what's the final verdict on my injuries?' Just then a nurse comes in checks my IV, injects a small dose of painkillers then gestures for Sam and Dean to leave so she can check the bandages, but I protest with a scratchy voice that Dean, my husband, can stay in the room. Sam tries to smile at me as he leaves to wait in the hall closing the door behind him, satisfied the nurse pulls my hospital gown to the side revealing large patches of bandages and gauze making me squirm in the bed.

"You are one lucky lady," the nurse tells me, "you had a slightly punctured lung, two broken ribs and your chest cavity was practically ripped open."

"Don't lay it on thick," Dean snaps.

"Dean," I grunt, "it''s okay," I wince as she pulls the bandages off the sticky parts pulling at my skin, where the talons had cut me are secured shut with staples and stitches the skin around the objects angry and red however they are not infected according to the nurse, "before I replace the bandages the Doctor will want to see them, we'll let them air out and I'll fetch him, okay?"

I nod while I start tearing up staring at my body, it's distorted and ruined, and Dean comes over wiping a stray tear from my cheek.

"Lennie it's going to be okay," he soothes, the crying hurts my throat more so I write on the tablet, 'I'm hideous, I can't even look at myself. How can you still love me after this?'

He reads my words as I write them out and he frowns, "Mel, I will always love you, even when we're old and gray I fell for your attitude, your personality you'll always be beautiful to me."

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