Chapter One Hundred and Ten - Chet the Chatty Leviathan

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In the morning I feel Dean's warm skin against mine, his arm is draped over my waist even though we didn't fall asleep like this he must already be awake and waiting for me to get around to start the day; I know dad is planning to send them to someone to get new I. Ds and stuff while I hang out here and help solve the invulnerable Leviathan problem.

"I didn't want to wake you," he murmurs in my ear, "I know Sam and I'll be leaving soon so I wanted to enjoy every minute I could with you."

"Thank you," I whisper and roll to face him, "I know I can be a pain in your ass and drive you mad but know I don't do it on purpose at least most of the time I don't."

He smiles at me then places a soft and earnest kiss on my lips.

"Dean!" Sam shouts from the hall, "we need to get a move on, let's go!"

Dean groans in annoyance as his lips are still attached to mine, after another long minute his brother beats on the bedroom door, says something unintelligible then walks away muttering under his breath.

"Come on Dean-o," I pat his cheek after pulling away, "next thing you know he'll barge in and drag you out butt naked."

"But I like it here," his arms squeeze me, "this is where I always want to be."

"I know, we'll get there eventually, but for now we have another monster problem."

"It seems like there will always be a monster problem," he mutters, "but you're right, we'll get more time together once we get these bastards out of the way."

I crawl out of bed first, stretching and grunting as my muscles protest from the exertion of last night.

"I could stare at that view all day," I hear the grin in his voice, "come on big boy." Leaning down I rest both hands on the mattress, my breasts sway a little with each breath and his eyes are glued to them, "you can have these again if you get up now and do what needs to be done."

"Alright, alright," he complains as I pull away just as he reaches for my breasts, "but you owe me boob time."

"As if I'd deny you that."

He smacks my ass as he walks by to grab clothes from the duffel; my clothes are at the end of the bed and I pull on ripped at the knee jeans, a gray t-shirt then pull on a green and blue flannel shirt over top. As I'm tucking things back in the bag my hands come into contact with the necklace Castiel gave Cassie for her birthday; my fingers curl around the object and clutch it tightly against my chest as I hold back a sob then put the thing back and turn to find that Dean is watching me closely.

"I miss her too, Lennie," he whispers, "we'll always miss her, but we know she's probably in a happy place."

"Do you think she's met your mom? Your dad maybe?"

"It's possible, she probably has your mother wrapped around her little spirit finger," those words make me smile and he returns it, "I always want to make you smile and feel better, Melanie."

We finish getting dressed in silence, once we have our boots tied and are headed out, we practically run headfirst into Sam who was coming to try and rouse Dean from bed again. He turns to kiss me once more before he heads out as his brother opens the front door, both are tense probably afraid to go out in public seeing is how the Leviathans have been wreaking havoc dressed as them. Once the roar of the Impala is gone dad heads downstairs to start on our friend again, if Dean would have let me finish yesterday our friend probably could have been fried goo by now. I'm on my third cup of coffee after listening to grunts, metal clanging and such when a shotgun going off makes me jump and I spill hot drink all over my pants; muttering under my breath I wipe the denim as dry as I can and head downstairs to hear dad having a conversation with Chet.

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