Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-One - The end and the beginning of Legacies

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Just as predicted Henry wakes with a start and glares at Dean who apologizes for having him knocked out but not for betraying him to rescue his brother.

"You need to understand something," Dean says, "when my dad died, I couldn't save matter how bad I wanted to; the same could be said about my daughter. I never want that to happen to Sam or even Melanie.... ever. if there's a chance, I can save either one when they're in trouble I'm gonna do it. He's my brother and Melanie is my wife; they are the only family I got."

As Dean is talking, I'm doing as Henry suggested preparing special bullets for our Abaddon encounter; we're at the warehouse just as I finish too and Dean ties Henry's hands behind his back as we walk inside. He begs him not to do this but unfortunately for him it's too late for anymore arguments.

"That's the problem with you hunters; you're all short-sighted," Henry grunts.

Sam and Abaddon are waiting across the room.

"At least we're not extinct," Dean mutters back then louder he says, "Abaddon! I'll send Henry here over with the box. You do the same with Sam, no tricks."

I watch Dean from an angle slip a rectangular shape into Henry's front pocket.

"My only interest is Henry and the key," she says, "you three are free to go."

Dean shoves Henry forwards but he doesn't move much further than a step, I pull my weapon out and push the barrel into his back.

"I'm sorry Henry," I murmur, "you can do this standing or you do it crawling; your call."

A bound Sam starts walking forward and then Henry does the same thing; the two stop in the middle and have a hushed conversation then proceed to their destinations. When Sam reaches us, Dean starts to free him, but he begs us not to let this happen to Henry, however Dean isn't hearing him once he's free though we start for the door however it shuts on its own and locks.

"We had a deal!" Dean shouts wheeling to face her.

Just as those words leave his lips Abaddon plunges a hand into Henry's abdomen, blood pools on his lips but I can tell he's smirking ever so slightly. I had slipped the gun into his hand when I threatened him and now he's going through with the plan. Sam tries to run for him, but Dean holds him back just as Henry swings the gun out and around putting a bullet into her skull up through her chin. Her head lights up like other demons and then she's angry.

"What a blast!" she shouts, "now, give me the box."

She reaches into his jacket but pulls out a pack of cards which she hurls to the ground.

"Where is it!?!" She screams as she grabs Henry from the floor and tries to possess him to see where it is, but her smokiness is stopped thanks to the bullet which had a pentagram carved into it. Again, she tries to move but she's really stuck this time, the boys go for Henry while I head straight for the demon, I'm grinning widely as I circle her once and stare her down and I can feel my eyes flash with power before her.

"You still didn't kill me," she states which makes me laugh, "no but you'll wish that we did,"

Dean is there swinging a machete removing her head, "we're gonna cut you into little steaks and bury each strip under cement," he says, "you might not be dead, but you'll wish you were."

He was gonna finish the job, but I take the machete away and push him bodily towards Sam and Henry where he's slouched on the ground; he's going to die. I could save him, but it's obvious to me that this was supposed to happen or the timeline wouldn't be like it is now. As they talk in hushed voices, I cut the rest of Abaddon's meat suit into pieces cramming them into hex boxes to keep her from escaping.

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