Chapter Thirteen - Parent Trap

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It's late in the afternoon when we get to dad's house, the place looks like it usually does; cars piled high, all the machinery dusty and unused but my blood runs cold when we pull up to the wrap around porch. The front door is hanging wide open the screen door beating against the siding of the house when the wind hits it just right, before Dean can stop me, I rush inside yelling for dad, what greets me near the stairs just inside the front door has me frozen solid, Dean comes in behind me touching a hand to my shoulder, "Lennie...I'm..." I shake my head telling him to shut up in little words. I watch him go to the overturned wheelchair light flashes through several bullet holes in the material telling me the story without uttering a word.

"You know this isn't real, right?" Dean says to me.

"Dean, if this is the dad...h-he's gonna die because of that damn chair!" I splutter.

He takes me in his arms holding me against his chest as sobs wrack through my body, if things don't change in our time, my dad, my protector is going to die because he couldn't help himself; where the hell am I that he went out like this? What happened to me? While Dean looks around for clues as to where everyone could be I wander back outside and sit on the wooden banister of the porch, the outside looks so damn normal but on the inside its hell, the tenant dead because of Armageddon. After another long while he comes back out a determined look on his face, "they're at Camp Chitaqua," he tells me and takes my hand pulling me from the banister with him back to the borrowed car.

We drive in silence for a few more hours heading out to camp, I remember the place vaguely but it was an all-boys camp so I wouldn't have been there like Dean has been before; as we approach the road he pulls the car to the side shutting it off. I follow him in the dark keeping to the road but hidden within the trees we see the welcome sign however there seems to be some kind of patrol with several armed men standing watch at the gate. Some of them pace up and down the small road, another paces the overgrowing grass beyond the tress then comes back every so often. We detour around the reasonable way in when Dean let's out a groan in fear and sadness, "oh baby no," it turns out that his car was abandoned in the bushes, doors busted off and pieces missing.

"What did they do to it?" I ask.

"Lennie, it's a she and looks like they stripped her down for parts a long while ago," he whimpers walking around it and then shouts in alarm, "Melanie look out!"

Something smacks me hard in the back of the head making me see stars but by the time I hit the ground I've fell into a pit of darkness.

I awake to voices arguing back and forth however the voice sounds the same one a little rougher than the other.

"I should be asking that question," the rougher voice barks, "don't you think? In fact, why don't you give me one good reason why I shouldn't gank you right here and now?"

"Because you'd only be hurting yourself," the other responds, which sounds like my Dean.

"Very funny," he growls.

"Look, man," my Dean grumbles, "I'm no shapeshifter or demon or anything okay?"

The new guy sighs which makes me open my eyes and they almost bug out of my skull, I'm looking at Dean dressed in dark military like clothing his face rugged with stubble growing across his chin and cheeks but across the room is another Dean handcuffed to a wooden pole of the cabin.

"Yeah, I know, I did the drill while you were both out," he comes over to me, eyes softening a little, "silver, salt, holy water...nothing. But you know what was funny? Was that you both had every hidden lock pick, box cutter and switchblade that I carry and the Lennie I used to know carried. Now you want to explain that? Oh and the, uh resemblance while you're at it." He turns away from me and I feel my chest ache for some reason which disturbs me.

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