Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five - Samandriel

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Once everything is made and packed up Cass zaps us back to the car, Sam and Dean up front as usual; Cass leans forward to look between the two boneheads' heads.

"So, there are four main points of warding," he explains, "north, south, east and west – and four Enochian symbols, like this," he takes a pen from his pocket and draws on Sam's hand, "that you need to destroy before I can enter."

"Okay, so what?" Dean asks, "we go in, take care of the hell mooks, and you extract the Angel?"

"Melanie and I will yes."

"Why her?" Sam asks and Cass sighs, "she has Guardian powers, Sam, it's easier to have her protection."

"So, what are we just a distraction?" Dean asks.

"No, you two have a job, as does she."

Dean grabs the demon blade from his bag but before Sam gets out Cass pulls an Angel blade from inside his jacket, Sam stares at him then it.

"Here," he says, "this doesn't just work on angels, it kills demons too."

"Thanks Cass,' Sam says.

We watch the pair head inside while taking out a few mooks before making their way inside the building.

"Stubborn as they be," Cass mutters, "they know how to do their job and do it well."

"Well you know as well as I that Winchesters don't do things half assed."

"I know that to be true."

"Are you sure you're okay with this Cass?" I ask and he turns to look at me, "of course, I killed so many when I opened the door to Purgatory; the least I can do is save this one."

"You know I'll back your play, right?"

"Of course," he nods, "I wasn't finished, but I'd do that and more, hell I'd die for you man. You are family whether Cassie is no longer around or not; you meant everything to her and you mean the world to us. Just never forget that, okay?"

"Of course, but where is this coming from?"

"Like I said," I eye the building, "I just have a feeling in my gut, a bad one about all of this."

He touches my shoulder squeezing it gently as we wait for the two to finish their job, his hand doesn't leave my shoulder when he mutters that it's time; we vanish once more and land heavily beside the two. Cass is breathing hard as if he's ran a mile and I take his arm draping over my shoulders; "you okay, Cass?" I ask and he nods slightly, "it must be the sigils; I'm not at full power."

"Sam, help me muss this crud," Dean commands of his brother.

They both turn to the wall behind us where a sigil must still be prominent; Sam turns back to his friend and hands over the blade but as he does, he slips from my grip grabbing at his own head fear evident on his face; I can't see what's going on inside his head, but I can see that it's not anything pleasant.

"Alright," I rise to my feet at full height, "Plan B."

I feel eyes on me as I go to the door firmly placing both of my hands on the joints watching my hands start to glow against the dark metal; the heat doesn't hurt but I can feel the metal begin to weaken under the weight of my power as well as my own strength the longer I do this. I don't remember being able to do this before but I'm not going to complain or question it now; I hear Cass whimpering on the floor behind me but I'm too focused on the task at hand to care. After a bit I gesture to the guys and we drive ourselves against the door; kicking and hitting our shoulders against it and it finally gives way; I'm going to have bruised shoulders in the morning. The two men jump on the only demon in the room, he looks like a surgeon or doctor, Samandriel is chained to a chair a metal contraption with rods sticking out of his head; he's covered in blood and tears his weenie costume practically destroyed.

"Wait!" the demon shouts, "I know – I know things."

Cass has finally come around and joins me while we disassemble the machine; blood and gore stick to the rods as I pull them from his forehead. Finally, Cass has removed the last rod and I pull the metal trap from his head and touch his shoulder in a comforting gesture saying soft words to put him at ease.

"Cass, Lennie, Go!" Dean commands and we do as he says disappearing from the warehouse.

Cass and Samandriel are leaning against the Impala as I wipe the Angel's blood off on my pants.

"It's okay," Cass murmurs to him, "you're safe now, we'll take you home."

"No," Samandriel's voice is raw from screaming, "you can't take me back there, Castiel."

"Why not?" Something stirs inside of me angrily.

"You don't understand," his eyes are wide in panic and fear, "I told Crowley things – things he shouldn't have known. He got to our coding, our secrets – secrets I didn't even know we had!"

"What secrets?" Cass asks.

"Heaven, Naomi," Samandriel admits, both Cass and I frown, "who is – who's Naomi?"

"Who is – listen to me," he seems perplexed by our words, "listen to me closely, I've been there, I know! They're controlling us, Castiel!"

"What do you mean?"

Before the other Angel can answer both Castiel and I wince as our world spins once more.


Cass is seated in a chair next to me, Naomi is leaning against the desk anger on her face.

"What does he mean, they're controlling us?"

"Kill him!" She commands and Cass looks pained, "who is controlling us!? Why did I see your face? Why was I so afraid? What did you do to me?" He glances over at me, finally realizing I'm here as well, "what did you do to us?"

She grabs him by the shirt hauling him to his feet, "this is a direct order, Castiel! Kill him!" Her eyes find mine, "if he fails finish it!"


The dark night swims back into focus, Samandriel is still leaning against the Impala, Cass looks torn and unsure of what he should be doing. Growling at him, I jam my hand full of power into the other Angel's chest and crush his essence killing him instantly.



"One of our own was murdered for a tablet?"

"Okay, what the hell?" Dean splutters and Sam responds with, "I know."

"You let him go," I mutter to Dean.

"Yeah man, Adios."

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