Chapter Forty - Five - King of the Crossroads

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The ceremony is short and sweet; we promise to love and honor each other but not obey because who wants to feel like their owned because I sure as hell don't. Jody managed to wrangle up a photographer last minute and he snaps pictures during the ceremony, our rings have already been slipped into place when Cassie starts to get fussy but it doesn't bother me as I reach for her from Sam's arms and she snuggles against my chest.

"You may now kiss your bride," the pastor announces.

Dean pulls me against him his daughter between us as he plants a firm kiss against my lips for a few short seconds and he pulls away eyes blurry with happiness and cheeks red.

"Well, wasn't that sickeningly sweet," a voice rings out.

All heads turn towards the front of the room, Lucifer is there his vessel looking worse than before.

"No," I grit my teeth, "how dare you ruin this for me!" I turn handing my daughter to Jody who shields her in her arms.

"Don't get your panties in a twist," he taunts, "you should have seen this coming."

My hands curl into fist as I feel a power surge taking over me, I can see the surprise in Lucifer's face and yet he seems satisfied with what he sees.

"Get out!" I snarl raising a hand, "now!" He puts his hands up in defense, "I just wanted to congratulate you on your..." but he doesn't get to finish as he goes flying backwards through the double doors into the main building.

I go to follow but Dean grabs my shoulder reminding me that Cassie needs both her parents, but with all the rage building inside of me I can't focus or see straight. My dress swirls around my ankles revealing the sandals as I walk following the path Lucifer took when I flung him away; he's laughing while getting to his feet as I emerge into the main lobby.

"You're stronger than I thought," he comments, "I like that."

"Yeah, well you aren't going to like this," I bury my nails into my arm then hastily paint the angel banishing sigil on my skin, "get lost, you idjit." And I slam my bloodied hand into it bright light filling the room as he vanishes. The sigil is sloppily done, blood has been smeared all over after I slammed my hand against my own flesh; I wasn't expecting to work since it was hastily drawn on human skin but I'm grateful it worked regardless.

"That was the most badass thing I've ever seen," Dean exclaims from the doorway.

I turn to him smiling but his eyes find my bloodied arm and I shrug it off however I keep from taking Cassie until some of the Justice building members help me clean up and bandage my arm it doesn't need stitches which is a good thing. I don't show it but deep down I'm exhausted from just that one shot at the devil, if I can barely touch him now then what's going to happen when he actually does come for me for the battle? I'll have to fight my body through the exhaustion to fight for him which could drive me mad.

"What the hell was that?" Jody exclaims handing Cassie over to Dean since I don't want to get blood on her or her pretty dress; "someone you don't want to see again," I tell her, "the less you know the better, trust me."

She nods taking me gently in her arms squeezing tightly.

"If you ever need help or advice or hell even a babysitter just let me know, I'd be more than happy to help."

"Thanks Jody, this whole thing was all thanks to you; we owe you one."

She shrugs it off as she goes to talk with my old man, I absentmindedly rub Cassie's cheek with a finger worry filling my gut; how the hell did he find us? Does he have someone watching me or something? He can't track us because of the markings on our ribs, but somehow someway he figured out where we were and interrupted one of the happiest days of my life. As if he can read my mind Dean takes me in his arms holding both of us tightly as if afraid to let go, he puts his lips against my ear and says, "you're safe now, that's what matters."

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