Chapter Sixty - Nine - Our Father who are Undead

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I can smell familiar vampire blood a way away; then I smell the guy who turned me even more so than before at a large building. The building's door swings open slowly as I'm staring at the building then starts to shut which I race forward closing myself in the dark, red lights are below the grated steps that I walk down quietly avoiding others at all cost. As I turn the corner though I run right into a young man, dressed in leather and he smiles at me, "you must be Boris's," he grins, "we've been told to look out for you."

"Yeah," I say.

"Well glad you finally made it," he raises a fist for me to bump which I do without hesitation, "follow me, the name's Robert." He leads me down some more hallways, the room we appear in is chilly filled with fridges with glass doors where blood bags hang, "you must be starving," he states.

"No, no I'm good," I mutter.

Robert turns and looks at me, he can probably see the stress of hunger written all over my face which I try to hide with a straight face. "I had a meal or two on the way here," I say with a smile.

"About that," Robert frowns, "we don't just kill people anymore..." he looks around, "but you've got to tell me what that's like."

"First chance I get, I'll show you myself."

Robert grins as he pulls a bag from one of the fridges, pulls the tab and drinks deeply, I can feel my throat constricting my mouth watering for the blood, but I force myself away and to follow him down another hallway into a large open space that looks like the remains of a bank. Other vampires stare, whispering to one another and I growl in my throat not realizing what I'm doing until they quiet down; Robert whistles, "never seen a newbie have so much authority before, but don't mind them they're jealous Boris picked you for himself and you get your choice to bang anyone you want to bring in; that is if Boris lets you."

"What do you mean?"

"Recruiters are what we're called," he points to himself, "big man'll explain."

There's a large desk on the far side of the room, a young girl sits there a laptop in front of her, the man hovering behind the chair she's sitting in is the one who turned me he sure does look like a Boris to me; he puts up one finger as we get closer to wait on him a moment.

"Be with you in a minute," he says brushing his fingers over the girl's hair, I can see her shiver, "your skin is the black velvet of the night," he chuckles lightly as she types the words, "nice, stupid bitch'll eat that up; she'll be DYING to meet."

My eyes wander around the room as he commands her to type out some more stuff, there are women in the old banks holding cells where the vaults or offices would be, bars hold them back, but collars are also around their throats and most of them are sucking from blood bags, and I look away the temptation to feed rising in me once again.

"Go get yourself some blood, sweetheart," he tells the girl, "then march that little ass back here, okay?" She does as he says, her eyes find mine pleading with me to help then she's gone again; Boris however approaches a wide smile on his face, "thank goodness, I thought those hunters chopped your pretty head."

Then I notice a small whiff of Dean's scent on the coat as I shift my weight to my other foot, I feel myself tense up hoping that Boris doesn't smell it, especially if he's an older vampire so to distract him I say, "I got away, but what's a 'hunter' anyway?"

"You'll see if they find us," he laughs, "you'll see him inside out, you eaten?" I nod, "yeah."

"Good, you'll need your strength."

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