Hunter gone Rogue

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When I open my eyes again, Sam is gone but I feel a little better than I did when I laid down; yawning I move my legs to the edge of the bed and sit there rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Just then a soft knock comes at the half open door to my room and I can see Sam's silhouette again.

"Hey," I greet him with a groggy voice, "is the spell ready?"

"Yeah, just waiting on you," he says, "I told Cass you wanted to be there for it and he understood."

Getting up from the bed I wobble ever so slightly, probably from lying down for so long and I ask Sam how long I'd been asleep and he only says about four or five hours at the most. In the bunker library we find Cass adding the last few things to a large bowl in the center of it, he looks up as we approach and he tries to smile at me but I can tell he still feels like crap for shoving that needle in my throat. I touch his shoulder with one hand, "let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

He nods as a response, the last ingredient to be added is of course the Grace which he takes the syringe part off the needle and pours the shiny, blue like liquid into the bowl. We watch with bated breath as it hits the other materials, everything starts to boil then it fades away leaving a weird smell but nothing else happens.

"Was that, uh... was that it?" Sam asks Cass and he nods, "I'm afraid there wasn't enough Grace. We'll have to find Gadreel another way. I'm sorry."

I feel my shoulders pitch forward with defeat, I wanted him to take more Grace to push that needle deeper to get at it in order to find that bastard, but he was worried about me and I can't hate him for it. Experiencing all the things he did well that's changed him in ways none of us can understand, I look over at the two men who are staring at me.

"Look I know...I know I was willing to do whatever it took to get at the Grace," I tell them, "but Cass, you were right and still are; us Winchesters do anything and everything in our power to make things right even if it means risking our lives to do so."

"We know that," Sam adds, "and yet we continue to do it because who else is going to do it but us?"

Going over I wrap Cass in an embrace, his body stiff against mine which makes me laugh until he returns the hug and I say in his ear, "thank you, for making me see that my life wasn't worth risking for something like this. The spell may not have worked even if you could have gotten more."

"I couldn't lose you, neither could Sam or Dean," he says in response, "I like to consider myself part of your family."

I pull away from him and pat his shoulder with a small smile.

"So now what do we do?" Sam asks.

"As far as I'm concerned," Cass sighs, "Metatron is the key to fixing everything that's wrong. I'm gonna find him." He turns to walk away and stops swiveling his head to look at us over his shoulder, "you know, we could use all the help we could get to find Gadreel and Metatron."

"We got this," Sam responds with a sharp nod as the angel takes his leave.

The next few weeks, Sam and I take cases, research at the bunker for anyway to trap Metatron and sometimes wonder vaguely at where Dean could be after everything that's happened. He hasn't tried to reach out to either of us especially after I called him right before the Grace extraction; I wish he would just text me, even one word is better than nothing at all. Sam can sense the tension and longing in my posture and feelings but doesn't say anything because I know he too is wondering about his brother even if he tries to keep it a secret.

One morning as I'm starting a pot of coffee Sam comes into the kitchen, laptop in hand and announces, "check this out," he sets the device onto the counter beside me, "John Doe, matching the description of Garth; he went missing months ago dropped off the hunter radar."

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