Chapter Thirty - Seven - Flight Risks

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Adam had finally relented and dad is keeping an eye on him in the study, meanwhile Sam and Cass had locked Dean in the panic room until he comes to his senses as well; I didn't want to do that to him but I don't need him running off to embrace the Angels either. So to keep him busy I take the crib pieces down to the room and go inside with him to help put it together since I struggled so hard with it; Sam had helped me carry the larger pieces into the room. Dean struggles with it, but he eventually gets it together better than I could have and I can't help but watch him closely, his muscles, his eyes the way his tongue runs over his lips as he concentrates.

"Melanie, not for nothing," he says working, "but the last person who looked at me like that...I got laid."

"Yeah and that's how this little girl was made," I counter and he laughs a little.

Someone comes downstairs and asks Cass to help dad keep Adam under watchful eyes.

"Is this really necessary?" Dean mutters to Sam.

"Well, I mean," Sam responds through the small peep hole, "we got our hands full Dean...a house full of flight risks."

"I'm not letting him do it."

"Who, Adam? No, I'm...I'm not either." Dean shakes his head, "no you're not getting me. That kid's not taking a bullet for me."

"Dean..." my voice is soft and sad, but he says, "I'm serious, I mean think about how many people we've gotten killed, Sam. Mom, Dad, Jess, Jo, Ellen should I keep going?"

Tears prick my eyes I blame myself for Ellen and Jo's death I couldn't hold the hounds back long enough for them to get to safety.

"It's not like we pulled the trigger," Sam says.

"We might as well have, I'm tired man. I'm tired of fighting who I'm supposed to be."

I try to hold back my sniffles, but it draws both of their attentions and I rise to my feet from the small cot as I ask Sam to let me out because Dean keeps talking about his destiny and leaving and I just can't bear to keep hearing about it.

"Melanie wait," Dean begs but I refuse to hear him, "you keep talking about leaving Dean what did you expect her to do? She wants you to be here, for not only her but your daughter as well."

"Michael before he said, he said I can't fight City Hall; maybe we're just delaying the inevitable Sam," I stop at the steps, "I just don't believe anymore."

"Believe in what Dean?"

"In you," he answers somberly, "I mean, I don't...I don't know whether it's gonna be demon blood or some other demon chick or what, but...I do know they're gonna find a way to turn you."

I can't stand to hear Dean anymore, so I head upstairs slowly climbing the old steps one at a time, at the top I double over in pain gasping loudly; Sam comes up behind me hearing my pained cry and holds me up right.

"Is she coming?" He asks.

"No, not yet," I breathe, "just uh Braxton Hicks. They'll subside soon enough."

Dad appears wheeling himself around the corner but not too far, so he doesn't lose sight of Adam.

"Get her upstairs Sam," he orders, "she needs to rest now, the last thing we need is her going into early labor while Dean's on lock down."

"Melanie!" Dean shouts hearing the commotion, "is she okay!"

No one responds to Dean's pleads about me, Sam carries me bridal style up the stairs to my room, his eyes take in all the baby things in my room, but he doesn't say anything I think it just became more real that his brother is going to be a father even though my belly is huge. I guess having a baby around doesn't really kick in for most people until they're actually born, I'm still struggling to wrap my mind around the fact that in a few short months there will be one more of us which will require so much more attention than we realize.

"It'll be alright, Lennie," Sam whispers, "we'll get through this; I won't let anything happen to Dean."

"I'll hold you to it," I whisper feeling the exhaustion starting to take over me.

He lays me down pulling the comforter up and over my body and I curl into a ball my back to him, but he doesn't leave right away instead he sits on the edge of my bed rubbing soothing circles on my back. It's a comforting touch, friendly and caring there's not much he can say to make the situation any better, so we stay like this for a while until dad hollers for him. He gets up, leans over me planting a kiss on the top of my head telling me to holler if I need anything while he's downstairs; I thank him for his support and help then he's gone leaving the door open slightly.

There are loud commotions coming from downstairs after a while, people arguing and the sound of wings, I wonder where Cass went to? Grunting I get up from the bed my belly sore and aching, but I can't let my family deal with this crap alone, I start down the stairs when dad says, "you better have a good reason for being up girl, or else I'll handcuff you to a bed too."

"Where's Dean?" I ask.

Both Sam and Bobby are in his study still looking somber, something happened but what? I head to the basement to find that Dean is now handcuffed to the bed in the panic room his face cut up and bruised.

"What the hell?"

His eyes find mine but there's no light in them like there used to be.

"Hey Lennie," he breathes, "word to the wise; don't piss off the nerd Angels. So how's it going?" Sam lays a hand on my shoulder, "Adam's gone, angels have him."

"Where?" Dean asks.

"We're assuming the room they took you before," Sam responds, "Cass did a recon." Dean raises an eyebrow. "The place is crawling with mooks."

I shiver at the thought of what's going on with Adam; I didn't know Dean had been taken by the Angels before, unless that was when Lucifer was being set free. Sam opens the panic room door and walks in leaving me on the threshold.

"What are you going to do?"

Sam starts to unhook the cuffs keeping Dean on the bed, "for starters, I'm bringing you with."

"Excuse me?"

"There are too many of them; we can't do it alone. And uh, you're pretty much the only game in town;" he looks over his shoulder, "no offense Mel."

"None taken," I mutter.

"Isn't this a bad idea?" Dean asks speaking from his suicide mission and Sam responds, "Cass and Bobby think so, I'm not so sure."

He gets up rubbing at his wrists, "well they're right," Dean responds, "because either it's a trap to get me there to make me say yes, or it's not a trap and I'm gonna say yes, anyway. And I will. I'll do it, fair warning."

"No you won't," I growl, "because I'm forcing myself onto this rescue mission; and I swear to God if you say yes, I'll kill you myself."

Both guys turn to stare at me eyes wide, they weren't expecting me to say something like that let alone join them on a possible suicide mission.

"If tables were turned," Dean says to Sam, "I'd let you rot in here. Hell I have let you rot in here."

Leaving them to talk more about the possibilities of traps and what not I head upstairs to pack weapons and get ready for the fight.

"I am not letting you go," dad argues while I pack essentials.

"I am going, if it prevents Dean from saying yes, then I'll do it," my hand touches the baby bump, "I will not let my daughter grow up without her daddy no matter what Michael promises Dean."

He wheels himself away as I toss my bag over one shoulder; Sam and Dean appear from the basement. Neither of them are thrilled for this, but Cass appears to take us to where the so called 'Green Room' is.



"The beautiful room is in an abandoned muffler factory in Van Nuys, California?"

"Alright little one," I mutter to my baby,"let's show these Angels our mean streak."

"Damn it Zachariah," Dean grunts, "stop it please. I'll do it."

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