Chapter Sixteen - An unexpected Surprise

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We're in the motel room once again where everything is back to the way it was, Dean leans against the kitchenette while I lean against the opposite wall the Angel standing between us with a smirk on his face.

"Well if it isn't the ghost of Christmas screw you," Dean snaps.

"Enough, Dean, enough," he scolds, "you saw it, right? You both saw what happens. You two are the only people who can prove the Devil wrong, just say yes."

"How do I know that this whole thing isn't one of your tricks? Huh? Some Angel hocus-pocus?" Zach groans angry now, "the time for tricks is over, give yourself to Michael both of you. Say yes and we can strike before Lucifer gets to Sam, before billions die."

My eyes move to Dean's and he stares right back at me, after everything we seen and endured in the future I still don't trust the Angels as far as we can throw them, he raises an eyebrow for confirmation to an unspoken question and I nod willing to fight the future events by his side.

"Nah," Dean finally responds.

"Nah?" Zach asks, "you telling me you haven't learned your lesson?"

I step away from the wall reducing the space between the Angel and myself, "oh, I've learned a lesson as has Dean; just not the one you wanted to teach."

"Well I'll just have to teach it again," he reaches out grabbing my shirt, "because I got you now, and I'm never letting you..." his words falter as both Dean and I vanish and reappear on a highway next to Castiel. I fling my arms around the angel's shoulders in relief, "man I've never been more happier to see you," I mutter in his ear, he pulls back eyes wide, "we had an appointment," he tells me.

"Don't ever change," Dean grins at him.

"How did Zachariah find you?" he asks.

"Long story," he says, and then pulls out his phone, "let's just stay away from Jehovah's Witnesses from now on, okay?"

He turns away from us after punching in numbers, Cass turns to me, "what's he doing?" I smile, "something he should have done a while ago."

After our meeting with Cass he takes us back to the Impala so that we can meet up with Sam and become a trio again; on the long ride there, Dean holds my hand even tighter than before. I know what he's thinking about and I can't help but think the same thing will the future we saw remain the same or can we derail it somehow? I slide across the seat a little so I can lay my head on his shoulder and breath in his smell while closing my eyes; he hums satisfied with my move but doesn't say a word just enjoying each other's company and the silence.

It's mid-day when we arrive at the spot to meet Sam, but he isn't there yet, however Dean gets out but not before giving me a short kiss and a smile; I watch him go to the front of the impala and lean against it to wait for his brother. I put my back against the passenger door and pull my knees to my chest pressing myself into a tight ball; we may have told Zachariah no but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid of what the future will hold or if whatever we do next will change it but Dean's hoping if we get back with Sam that Lucifer won't jump his bones in Detroit. Putting my chin on my knees I watch as a strange car pulls up next to the Impala and Sam emerges his eyes wandering over the car to me then to his brother whom he approaches slowly. Dean taps the hood of his car signaling that their brotherly conversation is over and I'm welcome to join them; when I get out, I stumble slightly as my head swims a bit but I catch myself on the opened door of the car.

"You okay Lennie?" Sam asks worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah," I mutter, "just a long road trip."

He steps forward crushing me against his chest, he smells of shampoo and musty motel and yet I can't help but think that's probably what all three of us usually smell like after being on the road for so long.

"Let's get a move on," Dean says.

"I'd like to go spend some time with dad," I tell him, "if that's okay? I know you guys probably need some time to get back into the swing of things, plus I am feeling under the weather."

Sam touches my forehead with the back of his hand then without saying anything he ushers me to the car letting me have the front but when I start to protest, he says he'll have the front later after they drop me off at dad's place. There's still a little bit of awkward tension as we travel, I hope dad will be happy to see me I really need some time alone and some time with my old man I haven't seen him in a long while. Dean has both hands on the wheel, so I lean against the cold window watching the world pass by, after a while Sam clears his throat, "so I noticed before," he starts, "the ring, you finally asked her Dean?"

"Yeah, I did," I can see him smile out of the corner of my eye, "I wanted to do it perfectly but the way it happened couldn't have made me happier."

"You've always been family Lennie," Sam says to me, "now it'll be official someday."

I smile while staring back out the window, I've never been so accepted by anyone in my life, I wonder what their dad would say about me now that I'm engaged to his eldest son then I shake my head not really caring what he would think his son is old enough to determine what he wants.



"Mel?" he shouts, "where'd you go girl?"

I turn and find Jody approaching a small basket in the crook of her elbow.

I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling,"what am I going to do now."

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