Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Two - The First Trial

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My leg is put back together, I've been back to the bunker and a doctor's office a few times for my leg which I still haven't told anyone about since I've been all alone for a while; I wonder if Castiel even showed up with the guys to tell them anything athen I decide I'm not worried about it because if that were the case someone would have called me. I have a cast on my foot, a brace above it and stitches that are ready to come out of my head which I could probably remove myself if I wanted to. My phone rings after a while and it's Dean asking to meet them at some ranch apparently Kevin had figured out the first step in closing the gates of Hell; I'm able to partially walk on the broken leg without whimpering but I do wince every now and again if I bring it down too hard onto the ground. I pack my things, call for a cab and make my way into town with little difficulty. I give the driver extra money to go a little further out of his way so I can get a bus to the town where the Ranch is located outside of it; Dean said he'd pick me up if I hurried apparently wherever they are 'working' at is having a dinner party because someone in the family died in a mysterious animal attack meaning it was more or less a Hellhound that got said person.

I wonder what kind of thing requires a hellhound or a deal that a person made to help close the gates of Hell; I don't question it though I'm sure Dean will more than likely explain it to me when we meet up again unless he kills me first for not mentioning the accident to him sooner. A few cab rides and a bus later I'm getting off the steps appearing in a bus station near night fall and spot the Impala across the parking lot, I notice Dean in the front tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. When he sees me limping across the lot though he gets out leaving his own door open and lopes across the remaining space between us a scowl on his face, he scoops me up into his arms and holds me tightly before asking about what happened.

"It was a small accident," I whisper into his neck, "I'm fine I'll be healed fully in a few weeks."

"Why didn't you call?" he pulls back to look at me, "we would have come back to help."

"You were on a case I didn't want to distract you."

"And knowing you've been alone like this for over a week makes me feel even worse than when I originally saw you, Melanie."

"I'm sorry, where's Sam?"

"At the ranch," he says carrying me instead of letting me walk on my own, "helping get a dinner party ready. I have to cook."

"What about me?" I ask and he shakes his head, "now that I know you're like this, you are going to stay in Sam and I's room until this is all over."

He slides me into the passenger seat of the car tucking my bag into the trunk before coming around to get into the driver's seat.

"But you called me for help," I start and he cuts me off, "that was before I knew you were hurt."

"I am sorry, but can't you see where I'm coming from at all?" I ask and he nods just little, "I guess, but next time call, okay?"

"Alright, I will."

He drives in silence until we reach the Ranch, he waves to Sam who is standing outside the house carrying boxes in, the car goes around the back side of the barn and then he's opening the door for me. The farmhand comes out of the barn and eyes me skeptically, "what's going on?"

"My wife," Dean explains helping me up, "was in an accident she'll only be here for a bit and won't get in the way."

"Fine by me," she huffs, "just hurry it along."

Dean nods as he walks me into the one side of the barn holding the door open for me.

"That's Ellie," he explains, "she pretty much keeps this place going, hired us on the spot."

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