Chapter Twenty - One - The Trickster Returns

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My head rests on Dean's chest, against my dad's reason for staying home I'm in the motel that the guys are currently hold up in, I knew I couldn't be parted from Dean; he's going to be my life partner and the father of my child I can't let him miss out on my growing belly and pregnancy pains. If I have to suffer through this then he can too in some shape or form, especially since I've started getting hunger pains late at night. Dean found a soap opera type show and that's where it stayed, his heart beats steadily against my ear as he holds me close. Sam emerges from the bathroom and with my eyes closed I follow his footsteps over to the small table by the window.

"What are you watching?" he asks.

"Hospital show," Dean's voice rumbles in my ear, "Dr. Sexy, MD. I think it's based on a book or something."

"When did you hit menopause," Sam teases.

"It's called channel surfing," I mutter with eyes still closed.

Dean shifts beneath me in surprise, "I thought you were asleep, with how still you were I was afraid to wake you."

"No, just enjoying your company is all," I pick my head up to look at him then Sam, "you guys gonna head to the station?" They nod, "alright well I'll be here; someone's gotta do the research."

Dean leans down kissing me softly then runs a hand over my slight bump; I'm due for another appointment I can already feel it, but we've been so busy avoiding the God squad that I just didn't think much about it. I've been kind of avoiding Jody's calls and I still haven't told Ellen about the pregnancy yet, that woman is going to kill me someday. Once both boys are gone, I sit at the table opening Sam's laptop but I don't research the case instead I look up venues and the process of getting a wedding license; along the way both boys have died in some shape or form to escape being sent to jail or avoid the actual death penalty but somehow I think we can make it work maybe I can ask Castiel for help.

After a while there's a slight fluttering in my belly and I let out a gasp, I've never felt anything before so I must be just along enough to feel the kicks and yet I can't see them on the outside; so Dean will have to wait a little longer to feel his little bean kick him. My phone rings and I note that it's Dean's number, "hey," I breathe, "everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," he says, "Sam's going to check the crime scene; I'll be coming back to research or what research I can do. Do you need anything?" The little one's kicks tell me that he or she must be hungry, "some food would be nice, if you could get like a chicken salad or something I'd like that."

"What no burgers?" Dean teases.

"This kid of yours doesn't seem to like them," I huff, "last time I ate one it came back up like an hour later, you know that."

"I know, I know," he laughs, "I'll be there after bit, I love you."

"I love you too," I smile.

We hang up and I close the laptop completely forgetting about what I was researching and crawl back onto the bed feeling a little ache at the small of my back. While Dean's getting food, I scroll through the contacts of my phone finding Ellen's and with a deep breath I push the green send button and listen to it ring.

"Hello?" a tired female voice says.

"Hey Ellen, it's Melanie Singer."

"Hey girlie," she yawns, "It's been a while, how you been?"

"I'm doing great, how 'bout yourself?"

"Living the dream," there's some commotion on her end, from what the guys have told me the roadhouse burnt down along with killing Ash their newest go to guy before Lucifer was set free, "what can I do you for?" I close my eyes for a minute then Dean appears two salad containers in hand, one must be for Sam, and a bag that has grease starting to seep through the sack along with three large drinks. He sets them down at the table then turns to me with an eyebrow raised, so I mouth 'I called to tell Ellen the news,' he nods satisfied and takes a seat at the table.

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