Chapter Ten - Whose fault is it anyway?

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I'm just outside the town Sam mentioned except I make a detour to where he told me he's staying, there's one country looking bar which I stop in and no sooner do I open the door do I run into Sam carrying a large gray bin filled to the brim with dishes.

"Hey," his eyes are wide, "I wasn't expecting to see you."

"I wasn't either at least not here anyway."

"The bar's just about to close," he tells me, "how about we go back to my motel and talk there?" I shrug, "fine, I'll wait here, I have dad's truck."

He nods as he carries his load to the back of the place where I'm assuming the kitchen is, I take a seat at the bar to wait Sam out when the bar doors open again to reveal a scruffy man covered in blood a scowl on his face.

"Bar's closed," Sam shouts from the back before making an appearance.

"Something you want to tell me, Sam?" the man grunts.

"What?" he shakes his head, "no."

"You sure about that," the man presses.

"Where are Reggie and Steve?" he asks changing the subject, the man seems to scowl harder, "Oh, Steve's good he's uh, his guts are lying roadside outside the Hawley Five and Dime."

"I'm sorry 'bout your friends pal, but it looks like you need to step back and cool off."

"Sorry ain't gonna cut it," he hisses not taking his eyes off Sam, "we go into town, we catch ourselves a demon, we get jumped by ten more; Steve bought it."

"I'm sorry," Sam says.

"Saying it twice don't make it so, Sam," he sneers, "you see this demon, he uh told us things. Crazy things, things about you, Sam."

"You know demons lie, right?" I snap.

"I'm gonna ask this and only once, tell the truth, NOW."

The hunter who I'm assuming is Reggie shows up in the open doorway holding onto a young woman who looks frantic.

"Lindsey!" Sam shouts.

My hand flexes for my own weapon when the first hunter pulls his pointing it at my head, "nu uh miss; you reach for that and you young ladies will be bleeding corpses."

"Just put the weapons down," Sam pleads and the other hunter puts the knife down but keeps a hold of Lindsey, "it's true what the demons said, it's all true."

"Sam," I warn but the weapon remains pointed at my head, "keep going." He insists.

"Why? You gonna hate me any less? Am I gonna hate myself any less? What do you want?"

"I want to hear you say it," he tells him.

Now I understand what he wants, I don't think Sam has ever admitted it out loud to anyone besides dad and yet this asshole of a hunter charges in here threatening people because he wants to make another person squirm and admit what they did even if all of it wasn't intentional.

"I did it," Sam tells him, "I started the apocalypse."

Smiling the man pulls a vial from his pocket with dark liquid in it and I instantly know what it is, Sam's eyes seem to bug out of his head.

"What is that?" he asks playing dumb.

"What do you think it is? It's go juice, Sammy boy."

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