Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five - Nut House

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I perk up a little when supper comes around, the male nurse deposits a tray with a BLT sandwich and a few other small things to eat; grabbing the tray I take it back to the bed and sit with it trying to decide if I can eat or not. I decide I'm hungry enough to not care but as I'm chewing the first big bite, I look at the sandwich which is now crawling with maggots between the lettuce and tomato; retching I put the sandwich back and kick the tray full of food towards the end of my bed and yet again curl up with my knees tucked under my chin. He's come up with a new torture later on after the food has been taken away, he's blaring a bullhorn at me and yelling words through it when a young woman appears at the door to my room, and I swear I've seen her before.

"Hello?" I look up and she's holding a chocolate bar, "you want this or not? I saw you earlier."

Getting up slowly after uncurling myself I gently take the bar from her outstretched hand.

"You didn't look too happy with your in-flight meal."

"Thanks uh..." I start and she smiles a little, "Marin, no problem. Melanie, right?"

Before I get to answer I jump as Lucifer makes the loudspeaker ring with a siren next to us and I wince covering my face, Marin takes off down the hall away from me.

"Hello, Melanie, Hi!"

I spend that night lying on my back with an arm across my face waiting for the night to pass as Lucifer plays with the stupid horn some more, but once he becomes bored of this, I hear him pacing at the end of my bed and singing louder and louder, so I stuff my ears with my fingers. After a while he goes quiet and I move my arm to find him hovering over me his scarred face peering at me as if he was waiting for this, I jump instantly at the closeness and he laughs.

"Ignoring me hasn't worked," he taunts still hovering, "what makes you think it will now?"

Rolling over onto my side I cover my face with the pillow and sob for a long while because I'm so damn tired of this mess; so tired of being tired and feeling useless. I don't breathe a sigh of relief when morning comes because Lucifer has made something pop loudly under my bed and I jump sitting upright to stare at him; he's smiling a firecracker in hand while a radio sits next to him.

Wake up, little Susie

Wake up

Wake up, little Susie

Wake up

The radio continues to play the music as Lucifer lights the cracker and tosses it at the foot of my bed on the floor, the sound making me jump and heart rate accelerates more and more.

"You know, you're actually keeping it together better than I thought. Kind of...the way someone pinned under a bus keeps it together."

"None of this is real," I mutter.

"And yet," he pulls another cracker from his pocket, "you know what really sucks," he lights it, "it doesn't really matter because I won," he tosses the thing which goes off and he silences the radio, "your madness won. I mean, look at you, it's hard to believe you were the girl that helped saved the world; my brother's warrior."

Another nurse comes in and sets a tray down, Lucifer admires it.

"Mmm! Mel, what'll it be today? Maggots again...or, uh tapeworm?"

"Thanks," I tell him and he nods, "no problem, how you doing?"

I rub the back of my neck, "uh a little better I suppose. Hey, that girl uh... Marin," he puts a hand up, "look I'm not really supposed to talk about it. Let's just say, unlike you, she didn't get here cause of an accident."

He leaves and I ignore the food and lie back down just as another firecracker goes off making me jump and bite my lip. Eventually I will myself to get up and watch out the window at the afternoon light, there's a small tap at my door and I turn to find Marin there again.

"Here," she tosses another candy bar at me which I barely catch, "wait, uh...share this with me. I know you're the one who got it but just humor me."


My fingers shake a little and hurt as I try and open the damn thing.

"So, how long have you been here?" I ask.

"Five weeks and counting," she tells me, "going for the record." I raise an eyebrow in question, "it doesn't matter why."

"Well that's a lot of bandages for 'it doesn't matter," I gesture with my chin towards her wrists and neck, "you can trust me you know, even though we just met."

"You want the doctor answer?" she crosses her arms, "I'm psychotically depressed to a suicidal ideation."

"And the not-doctor answer?" She sighs, "I feel like crap. I just...want it to be over." I just look at her, so she says, "come on, tell me I'm young and have everything to live for."

"Why would you believe me? I'm here too, aren't I?"

"True," she smirks with no emotion, "I heard you're here cause the voices won't let you sleep."

"Just one, actually," I mutter.

"Who is it? Like Charlie Manson or the devil?" I nod, "kind of, yeah."

"I hear ya," she says, "I hear a voice too; all the time."

I look at the exposed skin on her arms above the bandages, "is that why you set the fire?" her eyes get wide, "who told you?"

"No one," I respond, "those are burns, right?"

"I didn't set the fire," she snaps, "o-he did! You know what? I don't even know why I'm talking!"

I reach out to touch her hand to tell her it's okay that I understand when she yells at me that I'm crazier than her then let's slip that it's her own brother.

"It's your brother?" I ask.

"Yes," she grunts, "it sucks...when it's your dead brother saying...kill yourself to be with him...or he'll do it for you."

She leaves the room leaving me still struggling with the candy bar that I wanted to share with her.



"So your brother?" I ask, "when did he pass?"

"A brown acid moment," Lucifer chuckles.

"Her soul is broken," Lucifer tells him, "Can you give her a pill?"

"Guys," I breath, "you're here."

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