Showing Love Headcanon

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Eddie loves looking after the people he cares about, whether it's just complimenting them or physical affection, he has a lot of love despite his 'tough' exterior.

His form of showing love to you is through physical touch, he'll always hokd your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulders. He's not a massive fan of showing it at school, but he'll find any excuse to 'accidentally' touch you, and he'll link your pinkies under the table.

When it's just both of you, or when he's around people he's comfortable with, he's a huge hugger, wrapping his arms around you or resting his chin on your head since your shorter.

He loves snuggling and just laying with you whilst he smokes.

He's also a kinky bitch in bed, and he's good at it.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now