Imagine- The Seperation Spray

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I stand up from Eddie's floor, twisting my back since I've been sat for so long doing my hair and makeup in a small mirror.

Eddie walks back into his room, looking extremely attractive as he wears his usual black ripped jeans and a tee, showing off his arm tats. His hair is as bouncy as ever, so I smile and reach up a hand to flatten it.

His ringed hand reaches out and grabs my wrist before I make contact, and he gives me a pointed look before smiling and pressing a kiss to the inside of my wrist.

"You look so fucking good," he mumbles, his eyes trailing down my body in a way that makes my heart beat faster, "too good." He adds in a lower mumble.

I frown and look down at my outfit, flatting it out as Eddie narrows his eyes and quickly spins on his heels. Seconds later he comes back with his usual body spray, before I can open my mouth Eddie's hand cups over my eyes as he briefly sprays me with his signature scent.

"What the hell?" I ask, smiling as he nods to himself. Eddie shrugs as he throws it on the bed beside us.

"There's gonna be a lot of assholes at this party, they're gonna take one look at you and decide you're their next conquest. I'll be there to fight them off, but just in case we get separated they'll take one whiff and know you're mine." He rambles, moving closer to me as I roll my eyes playfully.

Eddie's hands find my waist as he pulls me to him. "I'm serious, you're so beautiful, and I can't have anyone thinking you're anything but mine." He murmurs, leaning closer to my ear.

My breath quickens as his hands find their way to my bare skin. "Well you'll just have to never leave my side the whole time we're there." I whisper shakily as Eddie huffs a laugh that tickles my ear.

"I don't plan on going anywhere sweetheart, but I have gotta pee at some point, though I guess you could always come with me." He laughs. I laugh back and gently push him back, grabbing my jacket and shrugging it on as Eddie grabs his keys.

"You're not gonna drive home, are you?" I ask, nodding at the keys in his hand as he twirls them around his finger.

Eddie looks at me as if I've said something ridiculous. "Yeah, but I'm not drinking anything, besides who else is gonna keep an eye on you?"

I shrug and grab his hand. "Come on, we're gonna be late."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now