Imagine- Hello Wife

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An excited whisper wakes me up from my deep sleep. "Hey, hello, are you awake?"

I groan and pull the duvet up, but Eddie wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me to him, an action I'm very familiar with by now. "Eddie, what time is it?" I mumble, not opening my eyes.

There's a second of silence then I feel his breath on my face, "Nine thirty." He replies, pressing a light kiss on my cheek. I smile and finally squint my eyes open, seeing Eddie right next to my face.

"Hello wife, I'm your husband, remember?" He grins, sounding elated. My mind suddenly clicks and I remember that we got married yesterday, nothing big but we finally tied the knot after so long of wanting to.

"Hi Mr Munson, my amazing husband." I grin, wrapping my arms around his neck as he peppers kisses down my jaw.

"How are we feeling this morning Mrs Munson?" He smirks, I give him a look that tells him everything he needs to know since we were up until half three celebrating together.

"All right, day in bed it is my gorgeous wife." He laughs, looking up at me from where he's now laying on my chest between my legs.

"Are you just gonna keep calling me that?" I murmur, lifting my hand to move some hair away from Eddie's face. He nods as he gazes up at me lovingly.

"Whenever I can. We've got our whole lives ahead of us and you're stuck with me now."

I raise my eyebrows as he lies back down next to me, sighing happily as he grabs my hand and holds it in the air. Both of our rings glisten in the morning sunlight. "One ring to rule them all." Eddie mumbles, then adds "I would've gone to Mordor with you."

I smirk and turn my head to face him. "And I would've fought Sauron for you."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now