Imagine- Coming Home To My Love

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Today's the day Eddie comes home, he's been gone a few days with Corroded Coffin out of town, and it's the first time we've been apart since we started dating.

I lie in his bed, pyjamas already on since it's pretty late. I knew Eddie would be coming back tonight, I just didn't anticipate it being at this hour. I yawn for the millionth time as I eagerly await his arrival, excited to surprise him.

I hear the front door open and close, and my heart kicks up a notch. I wiggle my toes from anticipation, curisng internally as the seconds that pass feel like hours.

Finally, his bedroom door opens and he walks in, looking tired but shocked to see me. "Y/N?" He happily grins, putting down his guitar case as I leap off the bed, running at him and wrapping my arms around his neck breathing him in.

"I missed you so much!" I mumble as Eddie's arms wrap around me tight, he buries his face into my hair and inhales.

"I missed you too sweetie, all I could think about is coming home to my love." He murmurs, kissing my temple.

I lean back and grab his hand, pulling him onto the bed. Eddie sits first so I climb onto his lap as his arm wraps around my waist. "Tell me everything, was it fun? Did you have a good turnout?"

Eddie nods grinning, "Yeah, it was surreal, we actually had quite a big crowd and managed to get paid for another two gigs."

My eyes widen as my mouth raises into a proud smile. "You did? That's so amazing!" I let out another sleepy yawn and Eddie follows.

"Yeah, I'm well overdue for a twelve hour sleep." Eddie laughs, undressing and climbing into bed as I get comfy. He wraps the duvet over us as I turn off the lamp.

His arm trails under my head as his other wraps around my middle, his hand grazes my stomach and I push back, moulding into the curves of his body completely.

"As much as I love going out of town, you're my reason for coming back Y/N." Eddie whispers into my neck.

I turn into the pillow and kiss his hand. "Good, because I'd come find you otherwise." I lightly laugh. Eddie squeezes me closer as he sighs contentedly.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now