Imagine- Shatter

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I nervously pick at my lip as Steve drives us to Eddie's possible location. Since Eddie's wanted for the murder of Chrissy Cunningham, he's gone into hiding, but I know my boyfriend would never hurt anyone, he seems scary but really he's a softie.

We knock on the door, but I'm sure he's not in, besides it's not like he's going to answer it anyway. Max suddenly points to the boathouse, so I nod and try to get in first.

"Wait here, if he's inside let me talk to him before you go all Sherlock Holmes on him." I say, opening the door and closing it behind me before they can respond.

"Eddie? It's me, you don't have to hide." I softly say, looking around the messy boathouse, my eyes squint as I see a shape move.

The sound of plastic draws my attention, and I almost smile as I see Eddie crawl out from under the tarp, his face full of fear and judgment.

"Y/N?" He breathes out in a whisper, rushing towards me. I open my arms and Eddie soon crumbles, crying as we both kneel on the floor. He buries his face into my chest as I rub his back, comforting him as best I can.

"I swear I didn't do it, nothing happened, she was buying drugs and...and-" He explains, his voice breaking off into a sob.

I cup his face with my hands, my thumbs brushing his cheekbones as I lean my head towards his. "I believe you, I mean you cried at that damn horse when we watched The Neverending Story, I know you wouldn't hurt anyone."

Eddie's eyebrows knit together as he analyses me for a second, but then he must sense that it's okay, because his shoulders slump and he nods once.

"The others are outside-" I begin, but Eddie's head shoots up as the door swings open.

Eddie scoots back and I have to grab his jacket to keep him from falling into the water.

"It's okay! They're friends!" I exclaim, trying to calm Eddie. His manic eyes dart from me to them, but then Dustin comes forward and Eddie relaxes again.

"You didn't kill anyone, we know." Dustin states, holding out his hands as of he's dealing with a wounded animal.

Eddie nods, his body shaking as I wrap both of my arms around his neck, brining his head towards my body like I'm protecting him.

"There's something we need to tell you..." Dustin begins. I've heard all this before, so I take a deep breath, preparing to help Eddie through this unbelievable explanation.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now