Imagine- Fiction and Flings

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I sit in the library, my eyes focused on the book in front of me as the rest of the students leave for the day, but I'm determined to finish my novel before I leave.

"Good book, huh?" Eddie Munson says from behind me. I jump, pressing a hand to my heart as I bookmark my page and turn around, my eyes scanning up and up until I finally meet his smirking eyes staring down at me.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper shout, looking around to see if anyone can see us. We're not really a thing, but we tend to makeout on the regular, we've only slept together a few times, but Eddie's never acted this risky.

Eddie shrugs as I stand up and grab his hand, pulling him down the bookshelves and to the corner of the library. I cross my arms and lean against the wall, whilst Eddie smirks and leans forward, caging me in as he places a hand near my head.

"I wanted to see you." He murmurs, his breath warm near my ear. My breath speeds up as I turn my face, my lips inches from his.

"We don't do this," I whisper, gesturing my hand between us, "not here, and not where people can see."

Eddie sighs and leans his forehead to mine, his other hand grips my waist as my body arches towards him, instinctively reaching for his warmth. Admittedly it's not even a sexual thing...well not completely, I just enjoy being with him.

"Maybe we should, who cares what people think, I'm sick of snooping around like some creep, it's either we do something about us, or I'm done." He mumbles, frowning as he talks.

I open my mouth to reply, but nothing comes out. Could I be in a relationship with him? The thought makes me panic, but also it's just what I want. I try to slip away, heading back to my table, but Eddie grabs my arm and gently pulls me back. Leaning down, he cups both my cheeks with his hands, looking into my eyes as he says "I promise I'll love you all my life."

My mind blanks. "Love? Don't be ridiculous." I laugh, but Eddie shakes his head and smiles.

"Yeah, I know, I've thought it too, but fuck it, I do. I love you."

My eyes widen and before I can think, I'm crashing my lips to his. His hands lower from my face to my arms, holding me together as I fall apart for him.

"If you hurt me I'll break your jaw." I mumble between the kiss. Eddie grins as he lifts my leg up.

"I'd expect nothing less my aggressive little chipmunk."

I lean back and give him a look, before we both burst into laughter.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now