Imagine- Your Freak

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AN: Has anyone else heard Pierce The Veil's new album? I love it, and this imagine is inspired by Flawless Execution.

I'm not usually this pessimistic, I'm usually fairly happy and enjoy spending time with my boyfriend Eddie and his Hellfire Club. However tonight is different, after hearing some questionable comments earlier about our relationship, I'm questioning if I'm really deserving of Eddie, maybe he'd be happier with someone else.

Someone prettier. Someone more confident. Someone smarter. Someone louder. Anyone but me.

"And that, my fellow explorers, is the end of tonight's adventure." Eddie announces from beside me, earning a sad groan from everyone else. I fake a smile and watch as they all pack up their stuff, saying goodbye to Eddie and I.

I sit still in my chair, staring at the same page I've been on for the last half an hour. Once everyone's gone, Eddie picks the book up and places it on the table, leaning down to look at me.

"Alright, why do you look like someone kicked a kitten?" He grins, his brown eyes staring into mine. I shrug and look away, but he frowns and places a hand on my thigh, grabbing my attention.

"Hey, you can tell me anything?" He softly asks, all jokes aside. I bite my lip and shrug, "I'm just not feeling it tonight." I mumble.

Eddie tilts his head and brushes his hair out of his eyes, "Want to go grab something sweet, chocolate always cheers you up." He asks, getting up and grabbing his jacket, but I shake my head and he pauses.

"Do you really want to be with me? It's just I heard some girls talking earlier, saying that 'the freak and the bookworm aren't compatible' and I just wonder if they're right..." I mumble, feeling my lip wobble.

Eddie's eyebrows knit together and he steps towards me, his hands finding my waist. I stare at his white shoes, but he lifts a finger and tilts my chin up to look at him.

"They're wrong, we're like cookies and cream," he lightly says, but then his tone becomes deeper, "I'll be your freak, I'll be your anything."

I nod and lean up, pressing a delicate kiss to his mouth. "I'm sorry, I guess I care too much what people think." I murmur.

Eddie licks his lips and nods, picking up my book and handing it to me as he leads me towards the door. "Well at least now you know you that we can prove them wrong, I'm glad you told me."

I smile and lean my head on Eddie's arm, reassured and happy.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now