Tattoo Headcanon

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Eddie got all of his tattoos done...not so legally.

They were done stick and poke style by the local 'tattooist' and he used the money he got from drug deals.

He got his first one and loved how it made him feel, so he then went back a couple of days later and got another. Then another. Then another.

He couldn't really avoid not showing them, since they're mostly on his arms. When Wayne first sees them he isn't overly happy.

"What are those kid?"


"Alright, but they better not get infected."

"They won't."

You love Eddie's tattoos, especially when he walks around in just his jeans. He knows the effect they have on you and sometimes when you both lie together you trace them.

Eddie secretly loves it when you do this.

Eddie does offer to give you a tattoo, whether you refuse or not is up to you.

If you do accept the tattoo, it's when you're both under the influence and he sets everything up. Eddie's super hyped but gets worried about hurting you, and he'll keep asking if you're sure.

"Just poke me Munson!"

Eddie will do that tongue thing as he concentrates on doing the best he can, and carefully wraps it up after and kisses your head.

"You took it so well."

"I know you meant that in a nice way Eddie, but that sounds so dirty...kiss me please"

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now