Imagine- Protect

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"You should have told me." I say to Eddie as we sit in his van after school. Rain pours heavily as he stares ahead.

"I didn't want to upset you." He mumbles, nervously playing with his rings as he watches other kids run to their cars, eagerly wanting to get out of this terrible storm.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair, feeling conflicted about the situation.

"I get why you didn't want to tell me about the gossip, but it's not like it isn't true, I mean we are dating, aren't we?" I worriedly say, biting my lip as I turn to look at Eddie.

His head swivels towards me and he frowns, "Of course we are, but everyone's saying you're-" He begins, but cuts off with a scoff.

I stare at him and shake my head, waiting for his reply. A few moments later he finally finishes his sentence.

"Everyone's saying you're pity fucking me." He mumbles, and my eyes widen at the gossip. A blush covers my cheeks as images cross my mind, but I know me and Eddie haven't done anything like that yet, we agreed to take things slow.

I'm sat stunned, not knowing what to say. Suddenly the floor seems so interesting so I keep my gaze there, my fingers play with the zip on my jacket to comfort me.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you. When you love something, you protect it." Eddie murmurs, leaning towards me as he grabs my hand and uses his thumb to rub circles.

I turn and look at his face, once again stunned. "You- you love me?" I whisper, the rain hammering harder than before that I'm worried he didn't hear me.

Eddie's nostrils flare in shock, but then he nods, his tongue peeks over his lips as he makes that hopeful face.

My mouth slowly smiles as my brain catches up, which causes Eddie to grin, showing me those dimples I love.

"I love you too." I reply. His eyebrows raise and he lets out a small laugh. "Thank God." He whispers to himself, before moving his face closer to mine, his lips hover inches away from my mouth.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers, so I answer my meeting his mouth, gently pressing a delicate kiss to his lips, but his ringed hands find my hair and I suddenly don't feel so careful.

My head tilts to deepen the kiss as he grips my hair, causing my head to raise as he devours my mouth, his tongue dances with mine in a frenzy.

We continue like that for a while until I run out of breath and the windows steam up.

"Eddie, lets not listen to gossip anymore." I mumble, my hands still gripping his denim vest.

He nods and envelopes me into a hug, and I close my eyes and savour his warmth. "Let's go watch a movie at your place." He says, and I nod as he starts the van.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now