Imagine- Inexperience (SMUT)

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I wake up to Eddie's arm wrapped around my waist, his breath tickles the back of my neck as I lift my head up and look at the time.

3.12 AM

With a sigh I flop back down, and Eddie lets out a groan as I roll over. I go to wrap an arm around him but I accidentally reach too low, and feel something down there.

My eyes widen as I look at Eddie's sleeping face. I decide to stay absolutely still until his eyes flutter open and he squints at me.

"What're you doing up?" He groans, rubbing his eyes and looking around the room.

"I just woke up." I shrug, and Eddie narrows his eyes at me. He shuffles uncomfortably and tries to pull the blanket over his pyjama bottoms, but I look at him and he knows I know.

"Sorry." He nervously laughs, putting a hand on his forehead as he closes his eyes.

"It's okay, maybe I can help with it?" I say, biting my lip from nervousness. Me and Eddie haven't done anything like this together, but I think I'm ready.

"A-are you sure?" He mumbles, cupping my cheek as I shuffle under the blankets and rest between his legs.

I nod and he sits up a little, displaying his obvious situation. "You'll have to guide me, I've never done this before." I say, and Eddie nods.

Before I can back out, I pull down Eddie's bottoms and his length springs free. My eyes widen at the size of him, but I also feel confident, especially with the way he's looking at me. Like I've got something he's desperate for.

My hand gently grabs him, and he groans before I can even do anything. I take that as a sign to continue. My other hand cups his balls as I begin to twist my wrist and move my hand up and down.

Eddie lets out a breathily exhale as I speed up, his hands dig into the bedsheets.

Without thought, I lower my head and take him in my mouth. "Shit, shit, shit." Eddie groans as I swirl my tongue around him, enjoying the effect I have on him.

I begin to bob my head, taking him deeper and deeper into my mouth. I look up at him and I swear his eyes roll back.

"You're doing great." He mumbles as his hand gently grabs my hair and holds it in a ponytail.

I push my head down deeper, ignoring the slightly uncomfortable feeling of gagging as he moans even more. The hold he has on my hair tightens as I smile as his hips buck.

"Sweetheart, you're a natural." He groans as his breath picks up.

I use my other hand to squeeze his balls, and Eddie's hips buck again.

"I'm gonna come sweetheart, it's up to you if you want to keep going." He murmurs, his thumb brushes my neck as he pulls my hair even more.

I decide to keep him in my mouth, sucking and sucking until with a breathily moan he comes inside of my mouth.

I swallow the salty taste, and lick my lips as I pull away, saliva dribbles down my chin and Eddie chuckles as he uses a finger to wipe it away.

"You okay? Did I hurt you?" He asks, concern in his eyes as I climb forwards and press a kiss to his mouth.

I shake my head. "I'm okay, was that okay?"

Eddie nods slowly and grins, "Best job ever, I love you so much."

I smile and lay on top of his chest as his arms wrap around me and pull the blankets up.

"I love you too." I reply, sighing as my eyes begin to feel heavy.

"I can't wait to repay you." Eddie murmurs, rubbing my back as I fall asleep.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now