Imagine- Sleepy Snores

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A horrible beeping noise wakes me up. It takes me a few moments to realise that I'm trapped under Eddie's arm and leg, his body practically lies on mine as I reach an arm out and turn off the alarm.

Once it's off, I slump back down and sigh. Rubbing my eyes, I turn as I hear Eddie quietly snoring, his face looks so peaceful resting on the same pillow as mine, his breath warm against my neck as his lips part.

I watch for a moment longer, thinking back to last night, how we stayed up until late because Corroded Coffin had a show out of town, and we didn't get back until past three in the morning.

It's Friday, which means school. I look at Eddie once more and decide not to wake him, knowing he's likely to just fall asleep at school anyway.

"You aren't getting up?" A deep and sleepy voice mumbles in my ear. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise Eddie's already half woken up. I shake my head and turn around on my side, coming face to face with him.

His brown eyes squint at me as his lips are tilted up in a small smile. "I thought you'd appreciate the lay in." I whisper, reaching out a hand and brushing his hair away from his face.

Eddie raises an eyebrow and tuts, "I didn't think you had it in you to be so rebellious."

I snort a laugh as Eddie's hand wraps around my waist and tucks me into his chest, his chin rests on the top of my head as he takes a deep breath then lets it out.

I yawn as Eddie's hand rubs my back, "I'm going back to sleep." I mumble into his chest, my eyes closing.

"I don't blame you sweetheart, hey, wanna get some pancakes later on?" He mumbles back.

I nod as he presses a kiss to the top of my head.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now