Imagine- Not Really Here

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AN: Here's another sad and bittersweet one for those of you who choose to torture yourselves😅This one's based after the *events* of S4.

I smile as I feel the Eddie trail kisses along my jaw, the slight stubble tickles my face and I can't help but smile and try to creep under the duvet whilst still keeping my eyes closed.

"I know you're awake sweetheart, open those pretty eyes for me." Eddie deeply mumbles, his morning voice sends shivers down my body but I shake my head and let out a small laugh.

"Alright, I guess I'll have to stop and get out of bed then." Eddie ruefully threatens, so I quickly open my eyes just as he begins backing away.

"There you are." He mumbles, a smirk on his face as I look up at him leaning above me, his hands either side of my head. As usual he's just in his pyjama pants, so I trail my hand down his chest, tracing his tattoos.

"Why are you up so early, come back to sleep." I whine, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling at him to lean down. Eddie obliges, pressing his mouth to mine with a gentle and sweet kiss, I can feel his smile even with my eyes closed.

"I'm trying to savour every moment I have with you, even if it means I lose sleep." He shrugs, his hands trailing down my sides and sneaking up my shirt. I give him a knowing smile just moments before he tickles me.

I giggle and buck my hips, trying to get him to stop, but it tickles too much and I snort with laughter. "I'm gonna pee!" I wheeze out as Eddie chuckles.

He loosens up so I use the opportunity to push him back, then I quickly straddle him and pin his hands above his head.

"I win." I mumble as Eddie gazes up at me, he smiles as I press a kiss to his neck, grinning as he groans. "I wish we could stay here forever." I whisper, laying on his chest.

His arms snake around my middle and hold me close, "I know," he says sadly, "but you know why we can't."

Tears fill my eyes as I shake my head, my voice thick as I reply "No."

Eddie gently brushes my hair away from my face and leans up a little, he takes in my face and gives me a small watery smile. "I'm not really here, you know that."

I release a sob and cling on to him, but things begin to feel different. I suddenly open my eyes and look around, realising I'm gripping my empty bedsheets, and that it was all a dream.

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