Cosy Moments Headcanon

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Whilst most of the time Eddie is like a squirrel on coffee, he does like to have his cosy moments with you.

Often he's pretty tired from staying up too late, so sometimes at school he'll be quieter than usual and will want to just be chill, often leaning his head on your shoulder during lunch and napping in the library during study hours.

Another cosy thing Eddie likes to do with you is to take walks around the woods surrounding the trailer park. Hand in hand you'll both pretend your on an adventure, Eddie occasionally quotes Lord of the Rings which makes you smile. If you both find a nice spot Eddie suggests to sit for a while, basking in the summer sun against a tree, calm and chattering about random things.

Eddie likes reading, so sometimes you'll both lounge on his bed reading your own books. Eddie's head often ends up in your lap as you toy with his hair or necklace. Eddie pretends to dislike it, but deep down he's enjoying the attention. Eddie's concentration is rubbish, so sometimes he asks you to read to him as he snuggles with you, burying his head in your neck or chest as he cuddles you.

Another cosy moment with you and Eddie is when you cook or bake, especially on colder days. Sometimes you'll make stew or cinnamon buns, depending on Eddie's hunger. He'll try to help but he's more of nuisance, so in the end he just cuddles you from behind and kisses your neck as you make whatever. Eddie loves eating your food, his eyes widen as he takes that first bite, and he mumbles "This is really good!"

Finally, every so often you and Eddie might go to some parties or have some sort of get together with Corroded Coffin and some members of Hellfire. Eddie likes to make a small fire and toast marshmallows, but he quietly asks you to suggest it since he doesn't want anyone judging him. You sit between Eddie's legs near the fire as everyone has a good time. Eddie probably has a beer in hand, and alcohol makes him extra clingy and flirty, so expect lots of kisses and cuddles.

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