Imagine- Absent

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I sit in the hospital bed, still a little drowsy from the pain medication the doctors gave me for my wrist injury, I knew I shouldn't have attempted anything in gym, yet the teacher didn't listen...

I bite my lip in worry, anxiously pulling at my wrist bandage as I wonder about Hellfire Club, I really hope someone told Eddie about my incident, and relay to him that I'm going to be absent.

I hear a nurse raise her voice at someone, then all of a sudden the door to my room swings open, a concerned Eddie scans the room, as soon as his eyes land on me he rushes towards me and wraps his arms around me. An angry nurse rages in behind him, but when she sees that I know him her face softens, I give her a nod and she closes the door.

"Gareth told me what happened, though to be honest I wasn't shocked you'd hurt yourself in gym, you've got climbing skills of a dolphin." Eddie chuckles, perching on the edge of the bed and gently holding my good hand.

I scoff but smile, "I'm not that bad, I just..." Eddie gives me a look as if to argue, and I know he's right so I just drop it and change the subject. "Wait, shouldn't you be at Hellfire?" I ask, frowning.

Eddie sighs and shrugs, "Some things are more important than DnD Y/N, besides the club needed you, so we all agreed to postpone it."

My eyes widen, I've never known Eddie to postpone anything. As if to comfort me, Eddie's thumb gently rubs the back of my hand as a nurse comes in and asks if I'm okay. I nod and she leaves again.

"Thank you for coming Eddie, but you didn't have to." I mumble, shyly looking up at him as his eyebrows knit together.

"Don't be a dumbass, if Gareth would've told me sooner I'd have been her earlier." Eddie replies leaning forward and tapping my nose with his finger. I blink a few times and crack a grin.

"Of course you'd use any opportunity to get out of class." I tease. Eddie tuts and shakes his head, "Uh-uh, I'd have come for you, not just because I wanted to skip."

I smile and lean my head against his shoulder.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now