Imagine- Father Fights

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Me and Eddie huddle together on his bed, laughing hysterically at our strange yet hilaruous conversation, until there's a knock at the door.

I look to Eddie who narrows his eyes and hesitantly gets up. "Eddie, it's past nine, I don't think that's anyone we know." I mumble, standing up and following him as he carefully walks to the door.

Another harsher knock comes, and Eddie gently pushes me back and holds out his arm to protect me as he quickly throws open the door.

A man I don't know stands there, his hair is short and he has wide brown eyes...similar to Eddie's.

"Hey kid." The man gruffly says unsmiling. Eddie tenses up and sharply inhales, I notice he turns pale and his hand begins to shake. Fuck, is this Eddie's dad?

The man looks briefly at me then huffs a laugh, but it feels forced. "At least you turned out half alright. Get her out so we can talk."

My eyes widen at the rudeness, and Eddie gulps as his arm lowers. The man, Eddie's dad, goes to step forward and Eddie physically flinches.

"I think you should leave." I speak up, standing in front of Eddie and raising my chin. Eddie's dad laughs condescendingly and rolls his eyes.

"Maybe I'm wrong if your girls gotta stand up for you." His dad says, looking at Eddie and I like we're nothing.

My face must portray my anger, because the man steps back and begins descending the trailer steps. I follow him out to make sure he goes, and I realise Eddie follows me.

"You've always been weak Eddie, I knew I shouldn't have come back here, you're just a disappointment like I expected. I bet your girl here is only with you because she feels sorry for yo-" Eddie's dad begins, but before anything else can come out of his mouth, Eddie darts forward and lands a punch right across his dad's jaw.

His dad stumbles back onto the grass and Eddie leans over him, punching him again as his dad laughs.

"Come on tough boy!"

I shout for Eddie and grab his jacket, Eddie turns back and looks at me, his knuckles are split from the force. Eddie must sense my fear so he pulls back and stands up, leaving his dad on the ground.

"I might not be like you dad, but you know what? I'm glad, because you're a worthless piece of shit, no wonder mom left you." Eddie says, his voice shaky.

His dad glares at him for a moment before standing up on wobbly legs and walking away towards the exit of the trailer park.

As soon as he's gone, Eddie falls to his knees, breathing heavily as tears fall down his face. Immediately I kneel in front of him, cupping his face in my hands and wiping away his tears.

"I'm so sorry Eddie, you're okay now." I whisper, pulling him in for a hug. Eddie sniffles and nods as he wraps an arm around my shoulders and stands up with me.

"I know, are you okay?" He softly asks, tilting my chin up. I nod and give him a small smile, before I remember his cuts.

"Let's go clean that up, my fierce protector." I murmur as Eddie presses a kiss to my temple, leading me back inside the trailer.

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