Imagine- My Place

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I sit next to Eddie backstage of The Hideout, my arm wrapped around his as I let out a small yawn.

Eddie looks at me and gives me a sympathetic smile. "We'll go home soon, we're just waiting to see if we're playing next week." He tells me, grabbing his jacket and placing it over my lap as I lean my head against him.

The rest of the band looks just as tired as I do, yawning and slumping where they're sat. I'm pretty sure Gareth is actually asleep.

"Yeah, you're booked for next week, same time." The manager finally comes in and tells Eddie, passing him their earnings. Eddie nods and gently shakes my leg.

"Come on sleepy head, let's go to home." Eddie softly says as the others spring into action, grabbing their bags and shoving themselves through the exit. With another yawn and a stretch, I stand up and sleepily wobble my way outside into the night.

"We'll see you on Monday, right?" Jeff calls as they all make their way to his car. Eddie says goodbye to them and wraps an arm around my middle, leading me to his van.

"Wanna sleep at my place tonight? It's closer." Eddie asks, opening the floor of the van and helping me up. I nod as he shuts the door and gets in the other side, and begins driving us back to his.


By time we reach the trailer park, there's hardly any lights on at all and everywhere is absolutely silent. We quietly make our way to the trailer, Eddie unlocks the door and gestures for me to go first, so I do.

"Isn't Wayne back?" I whisper into the darkness, only just being able to see where I'm going.

Eddie locks the door behind him and grabs my hand, leading me to his room. He switches the light on and I squint against it. "No, he'll be back in the morning."

I rub my eyes and drop my bag at the bottom of the bed, I then take off my shoes and climb into the duvet, releasing a heavy sigh.

"Come on princess, at least take your jacket off." Eddie chuckles, leaning over me and carefully sliding my jacket off, I turn to help him, groaning from being so tired. Eddie then undresses and puts his loungewear on, turns off the light and finally stumbles over to the bed, collapsing on it with a deep exhale.

"Yeah, me too." I mumble from under the duvet. Eddie huffs a laugh and wraps himself around me, his arm resting near my stomach as his other arm slips under my head.

"Thank you for putting up with all this, I know all these late nights aren't easy." Eddie whispers into my hair.

I turn around, nuzzling under his chin as I reply "It's okay, I know you love it and as long as it always ends up like this, I'm happy."

Eddie makes a noise of agreement before we both fall asleep in each others arms.

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