Imagine- Another Life

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AN: I feel like I've written one like this before, but I'm running out of ideas so I guess this is an updated version🙈Also, this one's a little sad.


I sit in my room, cross legged on the floor as I stare at the letter in front of me. I found it tucked into my pocket, in the same jacket I was wearing when we fought Vecna.

When we lost.

I know the letter is from Eddie, I'd recognise the bold letters anywhere, especially after all the nights we spent studying and planning DnD campaigns together.

Fuck. I don't want to read it. I can't deal with another reminder of him being gone.

But it feels wrong not to. He must've known something could happen, he must've planted it after kissing me. After confessing he loves me and kissing me and then heading off to save us all.

Fucking hero. Why'd he have to be so righteous, so goddamn protective of those he loves. Loved.

Shit, I have to read this letter.

Hesitantly, I reach out and grab the yellowed envelope, already my hands shake as I stare at my own name in Eddie's writing. I unfold the slip and immediately bring it to my nose, catching the faint scent of Eddie.

Nope, I can't do this.

But the first line entices me, so I force myself to read it, because the pain of knowing will be much more bearable than the heartache of having no reminder of him at all.

It begins;

'To my best friend, or at least that's what I used to call you. Lately you've been something more, but I'm too scared to admit it to you, that's not the point of this letter.

Or maybe it is. I just know that we're heading out soon and I don't have a good feeling about it, but one things for certain, my eyes will always be on you, I plan on protecting you and Henderson as best as I can, I'm not much but the thought counts, right?

I guess this is my failsafe if things do go to shit. It seems kinda stupid now, but I might as well continue.

I've always been cynical about life, about people, about love. Sure, I've got Hellfire and the band, but I don't feel the same way about them as I do you.
I think maybe I was just an unloving bastard who didn't believe I was capable of loving, hell I don't think I wanted to.
But I met you, and you ruined that for me.

I love you. I think. I mean I know you're the first thing I think about when I wake up, I always associate you with stuff and when we hang out it's like being home. You make me feel safe. You make me feel jealous. You make me feel. And that's terrifying.

I don't know what's gonna happen later, but of something bad happens to me, I wanted you to know all this. If you don't feel the same way at least you can laugh about it.

I know you secretly love the soppy shit, so here goes. I've savoured every minute I've spent with you, but it's never enough. I don't know what I believe in, but I hope to hell that I'll always be with you, because one lifetime isn't enough for me. I want forever.

Anyway, you're about to come find me scrawling and then you'll ask questions. For now I'll just laugh it off and joke with you, but I really hope in the future things will be different.

Like Gandalf says "someone else always has to carry on the story", so I hope you carry me with you.


Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now