Imagine- Skipped ♡

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I sigh as the bell rings for class, my eyes drift to the empty seat next to me where Eddie should be.

Half an hour into English I raise my hand and ask to go to the toilet, thankfully I'm allowed so I grab my bag and begin to walk out, hoping the teacher assumes it's something to do with my period rather than the fact I'm not intending on coming back.

I walk down the empty corridor and out into the spring air, treading over the grass of the school field as I make my way to where I think Eddie might be.

As our bench comes into view, so does a slouched Eddie. He has a book in his hand and a cigarette in the other as he stares intently at the novel.

A twig snaps beneath my foot causing Eddie to suddenly slam the book shut, but his shoulders slump with relief as he sees it's me.

"You scared the shit outta me." He laughs, but I shake my head, giving him a death glare.

"You skipped. Again." I say, frowning at him.

Eddie looks at me, his eyebrows furrowing as he puts the book on the table and stubs out the cigarette. "I wasn't feeling up to it." He shrugs, standing up and walking over to me, his arms reach for me but I step back.

"No Eddie, you skipped and you promised not to." I murmur, before meeting his eyes and snapping, "You broke your promise you asshole, and you're going to fail. Again!"

Eddie looks momentarily hurt, but then he crosses his arms over his chest and a mask slips on. "What's the big deal, I'm just gonna be stuck in Hawkins forever and you're gonna leave and do amazing things!" He snaps back, shaking his head.

"You're right, maybe I will leave whilst you live up to that Munson name!" I shout, as soon as I've said it I know I've crossed a line.

"Well at least I'll be doing something!" Eddie shouts back, panting.

We both stare at each other, out of breath and hurt, when suddenly Eddie prowls forward, backing me into a tree.

"What are we doing? We don't do this." Eddie mumbles to my forehead. I look up and my face drops.

"You piss me off so much Munson, so much." I laugh, before he leans down and kisses me.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you." He mumbles between the kiss, his hands find mine as he wraps them around the back of his neck.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I said that shit, I just want the best for you." I apologise, reaching up on my toes to kiss the corner of his mouth.

Eddie smiles and leans his forehead against mine, our eyes meet as he nudges his nose against mine. "You're the best thing for me Y/N."

I smile and bring him closer, going in for another kiss.

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