Imagine- Tell Me I'm Fine

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TW: Drug use

As soon as Jeff and Gareth tell me Eddie's still not turned up for school, I know somethings wrong. Even more so since tonight is Hellfire Club...Eddie never misses.

I drive to his trailer in no time, then rapidly knock on the door. I know his uncle works nights, and since there's light streaming from the windows I know Eddie's home. A few more answerless knocks later, I take a deep breath and let myself in. At first all seems normal, the trailer is messy but I'm used to it from the amount of visited over the last few months.

My eyes roam around the empty trailer, and I begin to think I'm wrong, until I hear a sob come from Eddie's room. I dash towards the sound, stopping to a standstill when I see Eddie curled up on the floor, tears stream down his bloodshot eyes as a few drug packets sit next to him, as well as a dollar bill.

Shit, he's used again.

I crouch down as Eddie lets out anothe4 heart wrenching sob that splits open my chest. My hand places over his as he looks up at me, not shying away from my gaze.

"Eddie, why?" I softly ask, getting straight to the point. Eddie shrugs as his lip wobbles.

"Tell me I'm fine, tell me I'll be okay." He sniffles, his face full of pain. I reach a hand up and wipe his tears as my thumb brushes against the wetness. I press my forehead agasint his.

"You are fine, you're getting through life and you're not an asshole, sure school sucks, but you're graduating soon. Corroded Coffin has been booked for another venue, and everyone at Hellfire needs you, we literally can't do this without you. I need you." I murmur, looking deeply into his eyes as he nods.

He begins to apologise but I shake my head and open my arms, Eddie crawls into them as I bring my knees up and cage him into my warmth, stroking his cheek as his face nestles into my lap.

"I don't know what you've taken, but sleep it off and start fresh tomorrow. I know it's hard Eddie, but you can't keep turning to drugs." I whisper, choking back my tears as I angrily eye the powdery substance.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just needed something to-" Eddie begins, but I squeeze him tighter and interupt. "It's okay, I was just so worried about you, so is everyone else."

Eddie nods as we both sit on his bedroom floor, him nestled in my arms as I protect him from what I can. Even if it's just for now, I'll hold him as he fights his demons.

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