Imagine- What Could Have Been

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I sit in the RV with Eddie, side by side as we drive towards the trailer park, ready to begin our plan to kill Vecna and save Hawkins from destruction.

Dustin for once looks scared, Eddie keeps checking on him, but Dustin doesn't seem to notice Eddie's quiet observations.

We finally come to a stop, and Dustin and Robin get out, waiting for us to follow, but all of a sudden a panic takes over me and I shake my head at them, gesturing to give me a minute. Eddie frowns and stands up, closing the door as Nancy and Steve exit too, leaving the RV just for us.

"I can't do this Eddie." I mumble, toying with my jacket as I focus on breathing. Eddie crouches down in front of me and nods, taking my hands in his as his rings clink with mine.

"Okay, I'd be a lot less terrified if you didn't come with us." He mumbles, huffing a laugh as he looks up at me.

My eyebrows knit together as I process his words. Pulling my hands away, I reply "Why? You all need me."

Eddie swears and stands back up, turning around before crossing his arms and spinning around to face me. I stand up, raising my chin as I look at him for an answer.

Eddie sighs and suddenly cups my face with his hands, leaning down he presses his lips to mine with such force I stumble back, but Eddie holds on to me to stop me from falling.

"I can't lose you, what we're doing isn't safe, you could get hurt, and I'll never forgive myself if I didn't- I don't wanna question what I could have done or what could have been, I just want you." He rambles, between the kiss.

Tears spring to my eyes as I wrap my arms around him, pulling him back to me. "You have such terrible timing Munson, shit, if anything happens to you whilst we're in there-" I cry, tears falling down my face.

Eddie shushes me and strokes my cheeks, wiping away my sadness as he rests his forehead against mine.

"I've got your back and you've got mine, we'll be okay, I swear." He murmurs, giving me a small smile.

I nod and take a deep breath, grabbing his hand and squeezing, I reach for the door handle.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now