Imagine- Making It Work

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My room feels so big and empty without Eddie pacing around or attempting to sneak through my window. The chair where he usually hangs his jacket is bare and my floor isn't littered with his drawings or DnD notes.

I sigh and stare at the ceiling, wondering if we made a terrible mistake breaking up. We both were mutual about it, agreeing that it'd only last until the end of senior year anyway, that we shouldn't hope for something that's impossible.

But maybe the idea wasn't impossible. Maybe we could have made it last, I mean Nancy and Jonathan are still together after the Byers' moved away.

I hear a faint sound coming from my window, frowning I tilt my head and listen again, and the tapping noise repeats. Hesitantly I stand up, wiping my bleary eyes as I open my curtains and see Eddie standing on the lawn, a stone in his hand.

I frown and open the window, standing back as I visualise his every movement. He'll climb up the trellis, swearing at the effort, then he'll try to be quiet as he practically throws himself onto the floor, panting as he closes the window behind him.

However it doesn't go like this, as quiet as a mouse he appears, not like his usual funny self. He looks nervous, sad maybe?

"What are you doing here? Did you forget something?" I softly ask, avoiding his eyes as I scan the room, searching for anything he might have missed when I helped him remove his stuff.

"Uh, no I just wanted to, uh, come see you." He mumbles, standing awkwardly as he fiddles with his rings.

I nod slowly, my hands move to toy with my necklace, but I now realise I took it off since Eddie bought me it and I didn't want a harsh reminder.

"You're breaking the contract, I thought we agreed not to hang out anymore." I say, walking to my desk as I begin tidying it up anxiously.

Eddie sighs and steps towards me, his hand reaches out but then he stops himself and puts it in his pocket. "Look, I'm not good at this shit, I never have been, but I- I think we made a mistake."

I turn to face him, my eyes slowly draw up until I meet his hopeful brown ones. "What do you mean? Should I still come to Hellfire-?" I lead off.

Eddie purses his lips together and begins to move even closer towards me. I stand still, waiting for him to do something. Anything. But he stops himself once again.

"That's not what I meant. I think we should try make it work, this thing between us, I know it's scary and I tried to convince myself it was a bad idea, but I can't, because I know I shouldn't love you but I do. I love you and I don't wanna throw it away just because I'm scared of losing you." He says passionately, waving his hands about as he speaks.

My mouth opens and closes, my brain short circuiting as I process his words. "But Eddie, you said-"

He shushes me and places a finger on my lips, his toes meet mine and he leans down, "I'm not giving up on us before we even begin. Please, I want my girl back."

My lips curve up at that last part, igniting the spark inside of me as I nod enthusiastically. Eddie smiles back and leans down, wrapping his arms around my back as he pulls me in for a hug, his lips whisper in my ear "I promise I'll be worth it."

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now