Imagine- Hot Anger (SLIGHT SMUT)

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"Screw you!" I shout, panting heavily from our petty argument. We both stare at each other, never avoiding each others eyes. Eddie makes the first move, backing me into his bedroom wall as his hand grabs the back of my neck.

"Deal." He mutters seconds before smashing his lips to mine in a frenzy. There's nothing delicate about this kiss and the way he's caging my body, it's pure anger and passion blended into lust. I can't keep up with his pace, and Eddie knows this, he smirks into the kiss as his hands grab the backs of my thighs and lift me up, placing me on his desk. I wrap my legs around him, keeping him close to me so I can feel some ounce of control.

Random objects clatter to the floor as I lean back, practically pulling Eddie on top of me. I let out a small laugh as Eddie's ringed hand finds my hair, pulling my face where he wants me. "Wanna finish that argument?" Eddie deeply asks as his mouth moves to my neck, he's still not going lightly. I gasp as he sucks and carefully bites me, leaving a dominating mark.

I don't reply, instead I decide to try and take charge. I push Eddie back and hop off the desk, prowling towards him as he grins down at me. His hands reach for my belt, but I slap them away, earning a playful frown from Eddie.

I use my strength to push Eddie down on the bed, where he leans up on his elbows to watch what I do next, I've never been this dominant with him and I kind of like it. I straddle him, my hands roaming under his tee as he groans, then I pin his hands above his head as his breath comes fast. I rock my hips slightly, feeling Eddie react to my touch.

"Don't play around." Eddie breathily whines, his hands twitch in my grasp. I smirk and roll my hips again, feeling him buck against me.

"Say please." I tease, raising an eyebrow and leaning down, exposing a view down my top. Eddie's eyes dart to there, then he chuckles and shakes his head.

"Suit yourself." I seductively whisper, kissing his neck.

"Please Y/N," he mumbles after a moment, I pause and look at him in shock. I grin and reach for his belt, but then quickly roll off of him and stand up.

"I mean I would, but you pissed me off earlier so I won't." I smirk, then I turn and start stepping away, but Eddie's hand reaches out and he yanks me back on the bed, he rolls on top of me, shaking his head.

"Fine, I'm sorry princess, now can I please fuck you?" He murmurs. My breath catches as I nod, and Eddie begins to undress me rapidly.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now