Imagine- Taste Like Heaven

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Eddie smiles as he puts in the VHS tape, I hesitantly sit on the couch, not wanting to admit I still don't like horror movies even after two years of our friendship.

"This one's supposed to be terrifying." He grins, passing me the popcorn as he turns out the lights and takes the place next to me, keeping a safe friendly distance.

The eerie music begins mixed with a high pitched scream, and I already feel my nerves fraying. Throughout the movie, I try to secretly look away from the screen, purposely missing the scary parts so I don't seem like I'm scared for my life. Somehow the space between us gets smaller and smaller towards the end, until we end up thigh to thigh.

Eddie doesn't notice though, he's too busy grabbing handfuls of popcorn from my bowl and shoving them into his mouth as he watches, wincing every so often.

Everything suddenly goes silent, thinking it's safe I look up at the screen, just in time to see a gory and bone chilling child grinning sadastically. I shriek and jump out of my skin, the popcorn flies into the air and rains down on us as I throw myself into Eddie's body, my face buried into his neck.

Eddie's quiet as he pauses the movie, then begins laughing. At first it's a chuckle, until it then grows into a full on snort and giggle. I frown and lean back, shaking a little from the rush of adrenaline.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asks softly once he calms down, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I avoid his eyes and nod, feeling embarrassed.

"It was just- scary." I mumble, biting my lip as I look at the mess of popcorn, luckily it's not too much since Eddie's been gobbling the whole bowl.

"Sweetheart?" Eddie coos, one hand reaches out and gently turns my face towards him. "Why haven't you told me you don't like horror movies?" He asks with a small smile.

My eyes widen momentarily, but then I discover its no use lying to him anyone. With a heavy sigh, I begin. "I didn't want you to think I'm a coward or anything, and I know you like watching them..."

Eddie shakes his head once, his thumb gently strokes my cheekbone. "I would have watched something else, I just wanted you to feel like you could be honest with me."

I shrug as we sit in silence, feeling awkward I begin to stand up, but Eddie's arm pulls me back down and he squeezes me close to him. "Oh no you don't, you're mine now, I've got a duty to protect you until you're feeling okay again."

I let out a small laugh and raise my eyebrows at him. "Really? I'm surprised you didn't think this was all a play for me to get close to you."

Eddie gives me a pointed look as one side of his mouth darts up. "Maybe it was and you're just really good at acting."

I pull a face and laugh it off. "Yeah? Well maybe you just put on the scariest movie just to-" I begin, but Eddie cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine.

I gasp in surprise, but find myself wrapping my arms around him, pulling him down until I'm on my back with Eddie hovering above me, one of his ringed hands cupping the back of my head as the other grips my chin.

"You taste like popcorn." I whisper between the kiss, Eddie smirks as his hand moves from my chin all the way down my body, until he finds my waist.

"And you taste like Heaven." He murmurs, kissing me deeper...

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now