Imagine- Dramatic

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"Eddie, the paper is due in two days!" I exclaim as we sit at our usual picnic bench just outside of Hawkins High, where we can have some peace and quiet.

Eddie shrugs, "So? I'll just make it up."

I shake my head and pinch my nose in frustration, "Eddie, Shakespeare didn't write Macbeth just for you to make up some of the most iconic quotes."

Eddie smirks and tilts his head at my love of English literature. "You're adorable." He muses, resting his chin in his hand as I begin writing notes for him.

"Aren't you worried about failing?" I ask incredulously as I look up from the notebook.

Fair is foul and foul is fair” Eddie quotes from Macbeth, and my eyes widen as my jaw drops.

"No you didn't!" I laugh, not believing my own ears. Eddie shrugs as if he doesn't care.

"I did tell you that I was listening when you read me the book." He shrugs, playing with his rings.

I narrow my eyes at him and point a finger, "You need to get writing then."

Eddie's eyes widen as he puts a hand to his chest, his face drops before he falls backwards onto the floor.

I'm momentarily stunned to do anything, but then he gets up and wipes the leaves from his hair.

"Eddie, you're so dramatic!" I laugh, snorting as he shakes his hair like a dog.

"I'm not, I'm telling you, a paper shouldn't sum up how much I know." He says, and I raise my eyebrows as he comes and sits next to me on the bench.

"You're right," I softly say, plucking a leaf from his hair as I cup his face, "But you still need to write the damn thing!" I shout with a grin as I shove the paper at him.

He looks down and sighs, "Okay but hold my hand as I do it." He mumbles.

"Eddie, how am I supposed to hold your hand as you write?" I ask.

"I dunno, just the pinky then." He smiles as he plucks a pen from his pocket.

I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder as he gets to work.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now