Imagine- Too Distracting

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"So what do you think the answer would be?" I finish after explaining some math to Eddie.

Eddie just stares at me from the floor, his notebook and papers scattered around him as I lay on his bed, my face inches away from his.

"Ummmm." Eddie sounds, staring at my lips as I raise my eyebrows.

"Eddie! Pay attention, I'm trying to teach you." I huff, resting my head on my hands.

"I did listen, I heard the bit about adding them up and...something." He mumbles, still staring at my lips.

"Right, that was two questions ago genius." I shake my head, sighing.

"It's not my fault, your lips are too distracting." He murmurs, his lips tilt into a smirk as a small blush covers my cheeks.

"Really? That's the worst excuse I've hear-" I start, but Eddie's ringed hands grab my chin as his lips meet mine.

I let out a small whimper as his hand gently squeezes my chin, his other hand comes and digs into my hair as he uses the lower angle to deepen the kiss.

I lean forward, and almost fall right off of the bed as Eddie laughs into the kiss, the vibrations feel ticklish against my mouth.

Eddie pulls away, a grin plastered on his face as I pant.

"How's that for math, you plus me equals one hundred degrees." He jokes. I climb off of the bed and sit next to him, so my shoulder leans against his.

"Your pick up lines are almost as bad as your concentration." I retort, grabbing his notebook and pen as I finish his homework for him.

"Sweetheart, I'm offended." He smirks, leaning closer and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"I said 'almost" I smile, pointing a finger at him.

"Sorry I still can't do the work." Eddie says, grabbing the pen from me and tapping my nose with it.

"It's okay, I've put down most of the right answers, you just need make a few up." I shrug.

I watch as Eddie's eyebrows scrunch together, he uses his fingers to count and I observe as he writes down a figure.

"Is this right?" He asks, his brown eyes wide as if he's a child.

I look over his shoulder and check his answer, I nod excitedly as I see he's user my teachings.

"So you were listening!" I exclaim, and Eddie shrugs.

"Well I already knew how to do it, I just wanted an excuse for us to hang out." He mumbles.

I shake my head, "We don't need excuses Eddie, we're literally dating."

Eddie throws the notebook down and tackles me to the floor with tickles.

"Say it again, it sounded good on your lips." He murmurs in my ear.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now