Imagine- Jealous, Not Me

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I cross my arms as I sip from my red solo cup, narrowing my eyes as I lean against the wall, watching as Eddie and Nancy talk excitedly about something.

"Wow," Robin mumbles coming over to me, her eyes wide as she grins, "You look ready to murder something...or someone." She adds, noticing where my eyes are focused.

I shake my head and finish my drink, "Nope, I'm absolutely peachy." I smile too wide, gesturing to my drink as I go and refill it in the kitchen.

"Shit, that's a lot" Eddie jokes from behind me, gesturing to my almost overflowing cup.

"I bet that's what Nancy said." I mumble childishly behind my cup, avoiding his penetrative eyes. Eddie frowns and I turn away and walk towards the garden where a few people are smoking and making out.

A hand grabs my shoulder and gently squeezes to get my attention. I slowly trail my eyes from the rings to his wrist, up his forearms and over his tattoo, then up his neck and finally up to his soft brown eyes. "What was that about?" He asks quietly.

I shrug him off and down my drink, but Eddie pulls it away, causing most of it to splash on the floor. He launches the cup over his shoulder and steps forward. His face hardens, "You want to be off with me, fine. But I'm not letting you drink away your problems."

"Well go away then!" I snap, throwing my hands up as Eddie's jaw opens and closes. He tilts his head and points a ringed finger at his chest, "I'm the problem?"

My shoulders slump at his hurt tone, and I find myself sitting on the lawn, taking my stupid heeled boots off. "No," I say after a beat, "You're not the problem, I mean you can fu- you can do whatever and whoever you want."

Eddie's eyes widen and he leans his head towards me. "Are you jealous?" When I don't reply he adds "Do you think something happened between me and Wheeler?"

I glance at him, which must give away my answer because he begins to laugh. I elbow him in the ribs and he stops, rubbing where I hit him as I mumble a "Sorry."

"Y/N, I swear on my childhood cat, may her sound rest in peace, me and Wheeler haven't even hugged. We were talking about Henderson. Besides, there's only one person in this town I'd ever want in my sheets." Eddie murmurs, reaching out and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I look up at him and see the honesty in his eyes. "Don't tell me her name. Please." I whisper as I gaze at those brown eyes.

"I don't need to. I'm sitting right next to her." Eddie whispers back, a smile tilts his lips. I stare at him for a second before my eyes widen and a grin splits across my face. I use my hand to cover it but Eddie snatches it away.

"Don't ever cover that smile from me sweetheart." He mumbles before plucking up my hand and kissing the back of it.

I nod and lean my head agasint his shoulder. I briefly look back at the house to see Robin giving me a massive thumbs up. I roll my eyes but smile anyway.

"So, do you wanna go on a date sometime, or should we skip to the late night TV shit?" Eddie murmurs into my hair.

"Both." I laugh, wrapping an arm around his waist and cuddling him.

Eddie Munson Headcanons/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now